Chapter 39: No big problems, no fear of small problems, developing the economy is the key!

Yan Guo, Border Administration Department.

Chen Yang opened the system administration panel and saw a hundred visa applications, most of which were for tourism.

Both visas require a criminal record certificate, and the issuance process can take time.

In less than half an hour, only official representatives of foreign countries could prepare all the documentation.

Chen Yang notes that the number of requests varies little between countries, with a minimum of four or five and a maximum of ten or twelve requests.

Through the number of visa applications, it is possible to get a general idea of each country's interest in the Yan Guo Kingdom.

There is interest, but the level of importance is not as high as Chen Yang imagined.

This was within Chen Yang's expectations.

So far, the Yan Guo Nation has only demonstrated one thing: wealth.

With a clear mind, he knows the limits of what can be done at this stage and what must be avoided at all costs.

He wasn't incapable of making nuclear threats, but the problem was that it wouldn't make sense.

It would bring no benefit to the development of Yan Guo Kingdom, and on the contrary, it would drive away many people who had hope in the country.

A developing country that goes to war with other nations before even having its economy developed? Who would dare to invest?

Increasing investment and developing the economy quickly is Yan Guo Kingdom's top priority at this time.

As for Western nations colonizing or using their military force to oppress...

This problem practically does not exist.

Nowadays it is different from the past, when colonial powers dominated the world. In the era of industrialized society, the situation was reversed.

The Netherlands begged on their knees for its colony Suriname to become independent, but Suriname vehemently refused. In the end, he reluctantly agreed, but imposed an exorbitant price, demanding that the Netherlands pay 65 billion Dutch guilders for its independence.

After many negotiations, the Netherlands finally paid 35 billion Dutch guilders and got rid of Suriname.

Similar situations happened with French Guiana and Puerto Rico. France is desperate to free itself from these burdens.

In short, Western nations are no longer interested in colonizing or oppressing other nations. They are more focused on their own internal problems and maintaining global peace and stability.

Therefore, the nuclear threat from Yan Guo Kingdom would be counterproductive and would not bring any real benefits.

Instead, the country should focus on its economic development and building good relations with other nations.

This is the only way to achieve prosperity and respect from the international community.

However, French Guiana, after witnessing the life of poverty that its former brothers Guyana and Suriname led after independence, vehemently rejected France's proposal, flatly refusing to become independent.

While remaining non-independent, its citizens hold French citizenship, enjoying the same rights and benefits as citizens of France. Once they became independent, however, they would quickly transform into countries like today's Guyana and Suriname.

Puerto Rico is also in the same situation. Without abundant resources such as oil or natural gas, nor prominent industries of its own, if it seceded from the United States and lost its tax subsidies, it would soon become a poor and underdeveloped nation, with a sharp decline in living standards.

To maintain its current prosperous lifestyle, Puerto Rico is not only reluctant to become independent, but also holds constant popular plebiscites seeking to annex itself to the United States, becoming the 51st state.

The United States, in turn, refused such a proposal, fearing that Puerto Rico would become a heavy burden.

Despite this, Puerto Rico still nominally belongs to the United States. Its citizens enjoy the same rights as Americans, except for the right to vote and be elected.

A similar case to Puerto Rico is the island of Saipan, located close to China.

A small island that, like Puerto Rico, does not wish to become independent and became an overseas territory of the United States through a plebiscite.

China, as a modern metropolis, does not have relevant resources on the island. Even if they existed, Chen Yang has no plans to explore them at the moment. There is no necessity.

An island with no apparent benefit, whose "colonization" is nothing more than a burden.

Observing the current world, the conflicts that arise are generally caused by disputes over resources, territorial, geopolitical or other historical issues.

Without these problems, Yan Guo Nation is thriving.

Of course, as the country develops, problems will arise in the future, and nations will certainly try to sabotage it openly or secretly. But everything will be within a controllable scope.

As long as Chen Yang doesn't cause unnecessary trouble, big problems shouldn't arise, and small problems won't be a big problem.

Closing the screen, Chen Yang did not go to deal with these tourist visas.

Although he released tourist visas, he intended to postpone them for a few days.

He would call the workers to have them deal with it after they arrived.

The reason for releasing tourist visas at the same time was the fear that authorities from other countries and some investors, in order to come to Yan Guo Nation, would unduly fill the job vacancies.

Chen Yang opened a document and typed three keywords on the keyboard:

"Tax law, prices, insurance."

Of the three announcements he made today, the one that caught the most attention was the luxury cruise, and the most discussed topic was hiring.

Many investors were anxious about the business attraction policy, but the subject was not even mentioned.

The truth is that it has not been ignored, there are just no defined tax laws yet.

Chen Yang has reserved several stores in Yan City with the aim of offering them to people who want to open businesses in the city.

The number of stores is not high, as the main objective is to use some of them as models to promote the initiative.

However, as the number of stores is limited, corresponding tax laws also need to be defined.

For those who opt for the MEI (Individual Microentrepreneur) regime during the initial period, Chen Yang plans to grant tax incentives in the first year.

For workers hired externally, personal income tax will be exempt in the first year.

After one year, everyone will be subject to paying income tax, whether they are an external employee or a citizen of Yan Guo, at the same rate.

Chen Yang is researching the personal income tax rates of various countries to use as a reference.

At the same time as he analyzes the rates of other countries, he will set the income tax rate of Yan Guo Nation… or rather, Yan City.

For now, he intends to use Yan City as a pilot project. Although Yan Guo currently only has one city, limiting the tax laws to a single city will make future modifications easier.


(Translation note:

The information provided in this chapter is not intended to cause offense to anyone or their respective countries. They have not been checked by the translator (me) to ensure their accuracy. Therefore, it is important to clarify that this work is a work of fiction, and any similarity to real events is purely coincidental.

If you find any errors in the translation, please let me know so I can correct them.

This novel is already completely translated into my pateton.)