Chapter 1- Officially Over

Polly couldn't remember the last time she felt this excited in her life. She looked out the taxi's window, admiring the beautiful view of the city at night. It was getting to 7pm, and the road today was not as bustling as other days.

Could it be that the heavens were on her side for the first time in many years? She smiled in bliss.

Her fiance just returned from the country a week ago, but due to business ordeals, and her busy schedule, setting a preferable date for either of them to meet had been a challenge. However, today, she spoke secretly with her fiance's driver and learned the news that he would be resting in his hotel this evening, and Polly immediately planned to give him a surprise visit.

She could already picture the surprise in his face the minute she walked in, and the image of his handsome face made her blush stupidly in the taxi. Her excitement was palpable to the point the driver couldn't help but say…

"The only time I see a pretty woman smile like that, she has a prince waiting on the other side to receive her." He uttered, and Polly immediately felt embarrassed for acting so sheepish with her emotions.

Within the next ten minutes, the taxi parked right at the side of the parking lot. Polly paid him for his services, even gave him a tip before waving her goodbye and ascending into the building in front of her.

"Whoever has such a lovely woman is so lucky." thought the driver who smiled and started his taxi.

Inside the building, Polly's stilettos clicked on the marble floor as she cat-walked to the receptionist table. This wasn't her first time visiting Andrew's hotel, and every worker here knew her as Andrew's fiancee, so she was well respected, more as a wife than a fiancee—whereas others respected her due to her family's name.

"Is Andrew in?" She asked the young woman behind the counter, and the lady nodded.

"I will give Mr Andrew a call and inform him–"

"No, you don't have to call him." Polly immediately stopped the receptionist from making the telephone call. "He doesn't know I'm here, it's a surprise, so please don't tell him about this."

Polly's innocent-looking face, and the smile she wore made the receptionist give in. Her lips stretched into a wider smile, and she made her way to the elevator.

Stepping in, Polly was about to close the door when a man in a milkman uniform suddenly joined her in the elevator. The door closed after he walked in, but Polly didn't mind the stranger and simply pressed a number that took them to the top floor.

She was expecting the milkman to do the same, but he didn't.

She guessed they were probably heading towards the same floor.

The elevator was quiet, save for the soft tune that played somewhere. Polly stole a glance at the milkman beside her, and he was holding a crate of milk bottles.

He was dressed in a white uniform. He had a tag, and he wore a white cap. From his sinewy features, Polly's instinct couldn't help but find the man suspicious. He wore a black nose mask, hiding his features in the shadow, but his downturned eyes caught her interest.

She didn't know Andrew ordered milk. He wasn't fond of it unless absolutely necessary, and the floor she was heading to belonged solely to Andrew… so who were the milks for?

Unexpectedly, those mesmerizing eyes shifted to look in her direction, and Polly turned her head away reflexively. To her relief, the elevator made a 'ding' sound.

The door opened, and she was the first to step out. The milkman did not move from the elevator, and it didn't escape Polly's notice either. She turned around in time to see him wink at her, and the elevator door closed.

"The fuck!" Polly was stupefied. Her brain instantly thought of how so many things would have gone wrong if she lingered longer with the strange man. She would have to speak with Andrew so he doesn't allow creeps like this walk freely into his hotel.

Brushing that disturbing encounter aside, Polly immediately looked at her dress and made minor adjustments. She was wearing a white short-sleeve shirt, neatly tucked in a chic gray, knee-length, high-waist skirt that accentuated her womanly curves. A silver chain served as a belt around her waist, while a gray coat kept her warm since it was cold outside.

She brushed her fingers into her fiery-red hair, arranging it on the go as she made her way towards her fiance's suite. When she reached the door, her heart fluttered, and she gave a gentle knock.

No response.

When she knocked again, there was no response. Thankfully, she had a spare key.

She fished it out of her small black bag and used the key to open the door. When it clicked, she gently pushed it open by the door knob and walked in.

The inside was a decorated living room, and it was quiet. Polly reminded herself that the driver told her he was here to rest, so he was probably sleeping in his room.

Feeling her excitement return, Polly dropped her bag on the couch and eagerly made her way to the room she was sure he would be resting in.

Upon nearing the door, she could hear strange noises coming from inside, and that made her halt. Her eyebrows furrowed at the lewd sound she was hearing, and even though her brain already processed what those sounds were, her mental state would not accept it.

Andrew is not that type of person.

Reaching for the door knob to see who was truly inside, her trembling hands gently pushed it open, and she took a peek inside. On the bed, her own Andrew was with another woman, their naked bodies draped in a silken sheet, and Polly could hear the conversation they were having while making out.

"Andrew…" the lady on the bed moaned his name, her voice laced with desire. "I've been thinking, my love… When are you going to get rid of that woman? Hmm? Do you enjoy lying to her all the time, or are you desperate to have her by your side? Sooner or later, she's bound to figure out that we aren't truly cousins."

"Are you fucking serious right now?" Andrew's blissful demeanor shifted abruptly, his voice suddenly cold as he stopped thrusting, "I won't tolerate the mention of that woman's name, not when we're having sex! She means nothing to me!"

"Then break up with her." the blonde suggested, "is she really worth all that risk?"

"Yes." Andrew's gaze turned calculating, "she's Zendell's daughter, she owns half of the company's assets alongside her brother. With her shares, my business could reach unparalleled heights, and you know what that means for us, don't you? When that mission is accomplished, I'll ask for a divorce, and then you and I…"

A lusty look glazed his eyes. "You and I will get married."

"Andrew????" The sound of a familiar voice uttering his name startled the couple on the bed. Andrew and his lover immediately looked in the direction of the voice to see Polly standing at the entrance, obviously supporting herself by holding on to the door knob before she fainted.

Her teary eyes were fixed on Andrew and the woman beneath him, and she could barely bring herself to breathe.

"Polly?" Andrew's face blanched at the sight of the woman he did not expect to visit his suite. He immediately pulled away from the woman beneath him and tried to explain, but Polly raised her hand in the air, silencing him.

"Oh my God." She exclaimed, covering her mouth with her palm as she gazed at Andrew in disbelief. Her whole system was trembling from shock, and her chest heaved as though a heavy weight had been placed there.

She glanced at the blonde who was sitting up on the bed, smiling cruelly as she toyed with her hair– no shame, no nothing! And an uncontrollable rage took over.

"YOU DIRTY BITCH!!" Polly did not hesitate to storm inside, pushing the naked Andrew out of her way. She grabbed the blonde by her hair, dragging her off the bed that was supposedly hers and Andrews to share.

"How dare you touch my fiance?! Get out of here this minute!!"

"Let go of me! You're crazy!" The blonde struggled to free her hair from Polly's grasp, and that's when Andrew intervened, saving the blonde.

"Stop this! Are you nuts?" Andrew questioned Polly, his eyes narrowing into an offensive slit, but what Polly did next shocked him.

"Andrew Collins, consider this relationship of ours officially over." Polly took off her engagement ring, placing it deliberately on the table, then stormed out of her fiance's private suite in the hotel he owned.