Chapter 8- Shadow In The Alleyway

Tasting his lips on hers, Polly's lashes flickered vulnerably, and her heart spiked. Everything around her seemed to stop moving, and she gasped into his unanticipated claims.

If none of those things had occurred, if he never shattered her heart so mercilessly the way he did, his kisses would made her travel into that secret wonderland– a private sanctuary she willingly shared with him in her daydreams, but just how distant has she drifted from the man she dearly loved?

There were moments where his kisses made her feel like butterflies were singing at the pit of her stomach, like honey she'd craved as though she were a bee. They filled the void in her heart, and she longed for such reconnection… but right now, she felt nothing.

It was like kissing an empty vessel.

Anger sizzled her nerves, and how this growing pain was inflicted on her refreshed vividly in her memory. She angrily pushed him away, breaking the contact between them, and when her hands moved to slap him in the face, she barely knew.

It was a reflex action she could not control, yet she was glad she had done it.

She was practically fuming. Her eyes were teary, and despite claiming he had a lover, he had the audacity to rub that disgusting mouth of his on her. Polly never knew she would feel this height of utter disgust for someone, and not just anyone for that matter.

"I see you have lost your senses!" She wiped her lips, desperate to get his taste and scent off her. She looked at the man who was still taken aback by the slap he received, and she didn't know until now, how his reaction at the moment would bring her immense satisfaction.

She liked this feeling.

Pointing at him, Polly snapped her fingers at his face and deliberately emphasized, "Now listen to me very carefully, this would be the last time you disrespect me in public. Stay away from me, else, you'll leave me with no other choice but to file a restraining order against you, and we both don't want to go in that direction. Be wise, be mature, and just go home."

Andrew was staring at her in evident disbelief. Not only did he see her disappointment, but her hatred for him was starting to become visible in those green eyes. The eyes that always looked at him with love, how can they bore so much hate towards him??

He wasn't supposed to be affected by this, he knew he was at fault but would never admit it to himself. He aimed to ascertain her shares and partner with her brother, but… what was this gnawing feeling of regret?

"No." Andrew shook his head in mental denial. He grabbed Polly by her shoulders, looking her dead in the eyes, and he would not accept it. "You do not hate me, you can't." He told her, "you are mistaking anger for hate! Deny it all you want, Polly, but I will never let you move on from me. You are only allowed to have me in your heart, no one else, do you understand what I'm saying to you?"

"Delusional fool." Polly spat in his face. He looked like he was going to go insane, and his reaction was laughable to her. "You are not at fault. I blame myself for loving a hypocrite, but Andrew dear, you do not seem to realize that the more you act like this, the more I see valid reasons why I should be grateful that I never witnessed this side of you after our marriage."

She broke free from his grasp, "and one more thing, it's not that I'm not deserving as you said the last time, it's just… maybe you should sit down and think what if… what if I don't find her deserving cause I'm too incompetent to have her. You should contemplate more on how undeserving you are of me, and when you're done crying over it, move on, and live a happy married life with Clara. After all, she's obedient, not a troublemaker like yours truly."

Polly sucked on the straw, taking a huge gulp of her iced tea. She released a satisfied sigh and turned her back on Andrew.

For the first time, Andrew felt a sense of unease due to her changed behavior, and he did not like it one bit. He watched her retreating figure, and her words played simultaneously in his head like a broken album.

"That can't be!" His fist clenched at her hurtful rejection. She is only allowed to love him and no one else. She has no right to claim hate towards him.


He took quicker strides, catching up with the woman who wanted nothing but to be far away from him. He grabbed her arm in a vice grip, dragging her through the corners of the street where it was disturbingly quiet, and worst of all…

Lonely. A place not fit for a woman to carelessly wander by herself.

"Let me go! What are you doing??" Polly has had her fill of this man, but he was not responding at all this time. His silence was the most disturbing mood swing she has ever encountered, and she grew more wary of his intention.

"I said where are you taking me??"

Andrew still did not respond. Instead, he backed her harshly against the wall in a creepy dim-lit narrow alleyway. For a few seconds, Polly lost some air, and when she recovered, Andrew had her humped against the wall, breathing into her neck as he says…

"You are mine, Pollyanna Zendelle." He rears back, staring into her alarmed pupils before forcefully claiming her lips.

Of course, he was going solo, because Polly was not one to retaliate to such hypocritical advances.

"Stop!!" Polly's eyes were bloodshot. She struggled with all her might to free herself from this assault, but unfortunately she has never fought with a man in her life.

Her iced tea dropped to the floor when Andrew slurped on her neck, licking her possessively, like she was a sweet he craved but was finally getting some taste after decades of denial. He was practically forcing himself on her, and Polly could feel his dick in the apex of her thighs, springing to life!

He had her cornered, doing as he pleased, but Polly did not plan to have her name written amongst women who have been physically assaulted. She would not be a victim to such a nightmarish incident– and worse, ending up pregnant for a man whose generation needs to come to an end.

She'd rather die!

The sound of a metallic can rolling down the street distracted Andrew. He had the attention span of a beagle, and Polly used the opportunity given to her to knee him between his legs.

Andrew folded from the pain her unexpected kick brought. She picked up the iced tea, which still had ice on it and furiously splashed it on his agonized face.

"Just fucking die!" She cursed in rage and didn't think twice before getting out of there.

"Get back here!"

Andrew's voice grew distant behind her as she ran away.

After the pain had subsided, Andrew headed towards the exit of the alleyway. He had the intention of going after her, but this lust that took over him, he could not explain it, however, he knew what he needed, and it was her.


Staggering towards the exit, desperate to ensure she doesn't get that faraway, Andrew hastily stopped in his tracks when a strange man stood at the alleyways exit.

He was dressed in all black, patiently standing there as though he had been waiting for him to come out, but that wasn't what frightened Andrew at all. The figure in front sported a black nose mask and a black cap, concealing his facial features, and despite being shrouded in darkness, Andrew could sense the stranger's heated gaze on him.

He would have believed that the stranger was some sort of serial killer, judging from how he dressed, and the aura he effortlessly emitted, but he didn't want to frighten himself with that notion.

Standing straight, Andrew cautiously retreated into the alleyway. The man at the exit made no attempts to go after him, but even at that, Andrew felt the strangest intent to run for his life, and so he did, mistakenly going deeper into the poorly lit alleyway.

The man in all black drew out his blade the minute Andrew began to run, and he sauntered into the alleyway, going after Andrew.