Chapter 13- Going To Aleyska


Back at home, Polly sat at her study table and immediately looked up the meaning of "Luna" from Wikipedia. Her fiery-red hair was in a messy bun, and her tired green eyes raked the laptop's screen.

After the incident with Andrew's family's home, Polly couldn't shake off the inkling feeling that her stalker had something to do with it.

Basically, the name Luna means "moon" which sounds more like a nickname to her… or probably not, but in her situation, it had to be some kind of nickname her stalker had specifically chosen for her.

He's never called her by her actual name before, and him being unaware of it wasn't a thought she could consider. Fuck that, he literally brought an envelope to her fucking house!

Polly's shoulders slumped in frustration when that didn't give her any hint or clue as to why this stalker was after her. She had her opportunity to finally come face-to-face with him last night, to see the man invading her privacy, even her phone, but it would be stupid of her to just walk up to him when he had a dead body clinging to his trail, unarmed.

Wouldn't it?

Polly rubbed her forehead and closed her eyes for a brief moment. Her brain was starting to hurt from excess overthinking, but unfortunately, she had no control over her thoughts.

Staring distantly at the laptop's screen, she wondered if he was also the one responsible for the car chase and sabotage in her company, yet a part of her didn't think he was the culprit.

She suspected him, but could not fully nail him as the culprit. He literally brought a dead body over, so why would someone who didn't hesitate to expose himself as a killer sabotage her products and chase her in a dead man's car in secret?

Not only that, he warned her about the car tailing her. He also warned her not to leave the house last night which she, out of reasons, paid no heed to. Due to her questioning life choices, things went haywire, and he saved her from becoming graped by her ex-fiance.

But at what cost? Andrew's life, right after he tried to forcefully eat her tofu in a dark alleyway.

As stupid as it sounds, could it be that her stalker was actually protecting her?

Realizing where her thought foolishly led to, Polly sat straight and shook her head. He was a stalker for heaven's sake! What if he is doing all of this with a sadistic motive behind it?

He could literally be watching her right now!

At the thought of this, Polly instinctively gave her room a quick scan, a bit of apprehension clouding her eyes.

Refocusing her attention on her laptop, she dug deeper into old folklore, hoping for more insights, and yeah, call her crazy, but she would definitely lose her senses if she doesn't understand a whim of what is happening.

"Let's see." Flicking her tongue out in concentration, Polly's green eyes widened when her digging landed her in some wolf mythology. From what was written on her laptop's screen, Luna is practically the wife of an alpha wolf, and when she dived into the history of these werewolf shifters who had the ability to turn human, she closed her laptop, unable to dig in further.

Sure, she has read some werewolf novels, and watched some series, but them being real sounded incredulous to her ear.

Maybe some things are better left not known at all.

Unfortunately, she could not use this phrase on herself. Strange bite marks were found on three people, all connecting to her and her family, and despite having the autopsy, not even the doctors can make out what type of animal had bitten them so severely.

None, except one.

Polly sighed wearily and slouched on the chair, she would have to pay this doctor a visit on her own. She still has to visit her company tomorrow to handle the pending crisis, and each time she considers getting a break, something always pops up in her head, leaving her restless and conscious of the fact that it was not yet time to relax.

"Just kill me." She moaned, palming her face with both of her hands.

A knock on her door finally interrupted her running thoughts, and when she gave permission for whoever it was to enter, Malcolm walked in with a glass of fresh orange juice.

A subconscious smile worked its way to Polly's lips at the sight of him, and a glass of juice was just what she needed to get through the day.

Malcolm approached the table where she was busy working, and he placed the glass of juice at the surface before saying, "you and your brother are really hoping to see me die of heart attack at my young age. Here, I brought you some juice since you've refused to leave your room. Drink it quickly so you won't grow gray hair before I do."

Polly simply accepted the glass of juice and thanked Malcolm with a smile. Most of the time, she really wanted to apologize for how they stress him with their own problems, and she was grateful that they had someone like Malcolm who was just a bundle of light and entertainment for their horrible days.

"What kept you and your brother out all day?" Malcolm inquired, "I didn't want to bombard either of you with my questions when you walked in earlier. The both of you looked exhausted, and I deserve some explanation."

"Andrew's family home was burned down today." Polly uttered, looking at Malcolm to observe his reaction, but the man just blinked his eyes, as if asking, "is that it?"

"You say it like all their homes have been burned to ashes." He murmured, knowing those cunning people had more than one house, "and here I thought someone died."

"Andrew is dead, Malcolm."

"And here I thought someone important died." he rephrased his words, still not impressed, and Polly palmed her face without arguing on the topic.

Frankly speaking, she wasn't as devastated as she pictured herself to be regarding Andrew's death, but she was still nervous concerning how it all happened.

"Maybe you and your brother should visit Aleyska for a few days?" Malcolm suggested, "a little vacation to your hometown shouldn't be too much for you and your brother to take. Get away for a while, touch some grass, and when the situation calms, you two can return."

"Hmmm…" Polly quietly contemplated Malcolm's suggestion with a thoughtful look, and the note she received from her stalker invaded her thoughts.

Maybe she should go to her hometown for a while, but first, she'll have to see the doctor who is more capable of giving her some answers, then she'll have this stalker's number traced as soon as possible.