Chapter 27- What It Means To Have A Luna Wolf


Crescent Moon Pack

Polly had taken her bath and came downstairs for brunch. She couldn't count how many times she zoned out from the conversation, but her ears picked one or two topics, where Albin announced that there would be a huge feast tonight.

"Since Polly caught the biggest prey, everyone else including Blake suggested we make it a theme party, and we will officially announce their presence to everyone during the feast." Serra glanced at her Dad for his approval, but Malcolm didn't hesitate to disagree.

"That wouldn't be wise." He dropped his opinion on the matter, "without their wolf, no one will look at them with enough prestige. An Alpha without his wolf will not be seen as a leader, let us give it some time, and then make the announcement."

Albin looked thoughtful, and Malcolm tried no to scowl at how he dared to act clueless. Norman was busy on his phone, barely paying attention to the discussion that was focused on him, and his sister was at sea.

Polly stabbed her fork into the meat in her plate and took a bite, chewing like she was having a problem with the meat itself. Over and over, she kept stabbing each piece of meat the more the recollection in her head grew more vivid– her stalker daring to kiss her in the middle of the woods, his face that looked exactly like Rafael, or did she imagine it?

"Hey, Polly."

A wave of startlement took over her when she heard someone say her name, and she turned her head to see everyone at the dinner table staring at her. She glanced down at her empty plate, blinking in bewilderment.

Where did all her meat go?

"A few hours in the forest and we're already getting a front-row seat to your wild side." Norman rose from his seat, "I'll be upstairs if anyone needs me."

And he left.

Polly dropped her fork on her plate and helped Serra clear the table. Malcolm wanted to do the work by himself, but Albin suddenly requested his presence in the library. He left the dishes to Polly and Serra who had no problem doing it.

"You don't have to get your pretty hands dirty, I can do it." Serra assured Polly when she tried to assist. When Polly had confirmed that her help wasn't needed, she was about to leave the kitchen when Serra's voice stopped her.

"By the way, how did you get separated from Blake?" She washed the dishes and didn't bother to look at Polly who had tensed up behind her, "Blake said when he looked back after picking the herbs, you were gone, and when he found you, he caught a whiff of a scent that was not from our pack."

She rinsed the plate and turned around to look at Polly, leaning against the dishwasher. "Was someone with you in the forest? You can tell me anything, it will be like our very own little secret."

Polly gazed at the pure curiosity in Serra's eyes. Honestly, she needed to tell this to someone, anyone, and maybe if she spills the tea, Serra and her guy friends might assist her in tracking this guy down. However, somewhere at the back of her mind, Rafael's words concerning how she should never trust them made her want to stay quiet.

Why? She wasn't sure, since all this time he has been deceiving her and feigned being a milkman to get to her, regardless of the fact that she confronted him earlier. Maybe she was driven to listen because the last time she ignored his warning, a lot of bullshit crap happened, and she wasn't going to get herself entangled in another dangerous mess.

"Uhm, no." She finally answered, shaking her head, "I didn't see anyone. Actually, I was chasing after this very very big rabbit, and I got lost on the way."

"Oh," Serra nodded slowly and crossed her arms above her chest, "silly me. I forgot you just got here, you can't possibly know anyone outside the pack yet."

She clapped her hands at both side of her thighs and inquired, "any waaaaay, what do you think about Blake?"

"Blake?" Polly looked puzzled, "you mean the beta?"

Serra nodded, giving her the gossip look, and Polly wasn't really conscious of the type of response she was expecting.

"He seems like a nice guy, I guess." She shrugged, "he looks nice. Hey, do they always change back unclothed during every transformation?"

"Some still end up with their shorts." Serra whispered with a naughty giggle, "but rarely, we're exposed to the things down there."

"What about the women?"

"It's the same for the women. We don't always turn back completely naked but it's still necessary to prepare clothes, just in case." she brushed that topic aside and was back to the earlier one, "how about you and Blake hang out more during the feast? Get to know each other better. I can tell he likes you." She winked.

Polly had somehow imagined the conversation would lead to this, but she doubted she was ready. After the situation with Andrew in Dunecliff, she certainly wants nothing to do with relationships or men, at least for the meantime till she can learn to trust in love again.

If it even exists.

"It doesn't have to be anything serious." Serra added as though she knew what Polly was thinking, "just some fun after the feast. Anyone else would die for this opportunity with Blake, trust me, and I heard he's really good. The feast we have here is always epic, and it's also a good time to bond with others."

Polly was quiet. Though she has never engaged in sex, even with Andrew, she's always tried to be that good girl who's never done anything wrong or illegal in her life. Blake wasn't actually bad, and she might consider it if she has the nerves for it tonight.

"I'll think about it."

"Sweet. Be ready by eight."

Serra cleaned her hands with a neat towel and exited the kitchen with Polly. Tonight, she might just experience what it's like to get laid, and maybe it would help her get rid of the strange feeling Rafael's kiss had undoubtedly affected her with.

In the library

Malcolm gazed at Albin in shock before asking, "did you forget the prophecy? If Polly gains her wolf, there's a high chance she'll be blessed with a Luna wolf, just as the prophecy confirmed. You doubt the words of the ancient healer so quickly?"

"Why shouldn't I?" Albin tilted his head slightly, "do you know what having a Luna wolf means? If she's blessed with a Luna wolf, it means she has the power to make anyone an Alpha, and if she ends up mating with someone who is already an Alpha… forget it, they'll both be unstoppable."

Albin closed the book he was going through and handed it to Malcolm. "Having a Luna wolf is extremely rare, that is why they are worshiped, cause they are considered the closest to the moon goddess. That prophecy was false, it is impossible for siblings to have both an Alpha and a Luna wolf at the same time. I say we focus on Norman, and making sure he gets his wolf, cause everyone is starting to ask questions."