Chapter 48- Pulling The Strings


When the sky darkened to a pitch black, Nathan trained with Davis in the sprawling, open field that was encircled by an imposing fence— each section respectively dedicated to various types of training in the pack.

Their fights were intense as they carried on for hours, every movement executed with deadly precision as they went back and forth. The air vibrated with the sounds of their exertions—thuds of body hitting the earthy ground, their grunts of effort, and the occasional growl of frustration.

Nathan was the first to rise, his sinewy-built body glistening with sweat and dirt. His golden eyes glinted sharply as he watched Davis struggle to his feet, and he flexed his muscles in preparation for their relentless spar. The moonlight casted a silvery glow on the open field, highlighting the intensity of their sparring, and Nathan ran his fingers into his dark brown hair.