It Begins

(28th May, 2023)

The ride to the manor is silent. Robin knows that her husband is stewing. The recriminations are probably rising with each minute that passes. She knows she should not have gone to the art store, yet her stubbornness got in the way. Robin has no clue how she was found in the first place; she had intended to leave and return as quickly as possible if it weren't for the damned rain. 

As the car speeds through the streets, Robin tries to catch her breath, her mind racing. 

She knows she's in trouble, but facing Malik's wrath fills her with dread.

When they finally reach the manor, Malik steps out first, slamming the door so harshly that it reverberates through the vehicle.

Robin flinches, her teeth chattering as she watches him open the door to the building before closing it shut.

He's mad, very mad.

Taking in a deep breath, Robin steeled herself. There's no use in staying here and panicking. She has to face this one way or another.

With that, she exits the car and enters the large house. 

Quickly, she climbs up the stairs to her bedroom, trailing water the entire way before she makes it to the entrance.

She pauses momentarily, her hand trembling as she reaches for the door.

"You disobeyed," he begins, his face red with fury. 

Robin sees Malik standing in the hallway beside his study, his arms crossed over his chest. His gaze is cold and calculating, and Robin feels a shiver run down her spine.

"Dear, I..." she begins, her voice barely above a whisper.

"Silence," Malik snaps, his expression hardening. "You were supposed to be back hours ago. Do you have any idea how worried I've been?"

Robin bites her lip, her eyes downcast. "I'm sorry, I... I..."

He raises a hand, "Enough." 

Robin swallows her tongue, eyes burning as she quiets.

Malik steps closer, his eyes narrowed. Robin immediately moves out of the way and head ducked as she waits for instructions.

Malik lets out a frustrated sigh, then gestures for her to follow him. "Come with me. We'll have this little chat inside."

"Inside," those words chant repeatedly inside her head as she braces herself for what's coming next. 

She obediently follows him, her heart pounding in her chest.

As they enter the bedroom, Malik faces her, his expression stern.

"Sit," he commands her like the dog she is, and she obeys without resistance and sits down on the edge of the bed, her head bowed, as Malik stands in front of her.

The man regards her sternly. "Why did you disobey me, Robin?" he asks, his voice low and dangerous.

Robin swallows hard, her gaze fixed on the floor. "I... I didn't mean to. I just lost track of time, and the rain..."

Malik shakes his head, his lips pressed into a thin line. "Do you know how much effort I put into keeping you safe? How much I worry about you?"

Robin feels a lump forming in her throat, guilt choking her. She can't even bring herself to look at him. "I'm sorry, M-malik. I-i didn't mean to worry you."

Malik reaches out and tilts her chin up, forcing her to meet his gaze. "Robin, you have to understand. The world is a dangerous place, and I can't always be there to protect you. That's why I need you to follow my orders, no matter what."

She nods, her eyes brimming with tears. "I know, Malik!. I'll do better, I promise."

Malik's expression softens, but only slightly. "You're too naive and foolish, my dear. The world is not a safe place for someone like you." He releases her chin, his hand resting on her shoulder, his touch heavy and possessive. 

At her teary nod, Malik sighs before pulling her into a gentle embrace. "Shh, it's alright. I know you didn't mean to disobey me. I want you to be safe."

Robin relaxes into his arms, the warmth of his body providing comfort and security. 

He was so caring, so loving. Robin shouldn't have been out so late. 

As Malik pulls away, he cups her face in his hands, his gaze searching hers. "Robin, you know how much you mean to me. I don't know what I'd do if anything happened to you."

Robin nods, her heart swelling with gratitude. "I know, Malik. And I promise I'll be more careful from now on."

The next thing she hears is a tingling sensation in her ear and a sting of pain in her cheek. Her face is cast towards the right as Malik breathes heavily. 

At last, he's done what he's been holding back from doing from the start: hit her. 

She was lucky it ended with a slap today; it could have been worse, but now she can breathe easily, knowing the worst is over. 

"That's all you ever say; you'll do better, and you disobey me. Now listen to me. This better be the last time this repeats itself. I've grown tired of your apology. You're lucky I picked you up. If it were someone else, they would have thrown you away ages ago. So what do you say?"

"T- thank you, Malik."

Malik gives her a small smile, then gently kisses her forehead. "That's my good girl. Now, why don't you get out of these wet clothes and get some rest? You must be exhausted."

Robin nods, a grateful smile tugging at the corners of her lips. 

As Malik leaves the room to give her privacy, she can't help but feel a deep sense of guilt and longing. 

She's so ungrateful for putting him through all this stress. She knows Malik only wants to keep her safe, but she only makes his life harder.

"Someone like me doesn't deserve him….." she murmurs, her eyelids growing heavy.

As she settles into the bed, she can't help but wonder what the future holds and whether Malik will trust her again.

But for now, all she can do is surrender to the comfort of the soft sheets and the warmth of Malik's presence, hoping that, somehow, everything will work out by tomorrow.