The Clerk

"N-no one," Robin stammers, her heart pounding. "I was just... calling about something I lost."

Malik's eyes narrow, and he steps closer, his gaze searching her face. "What did you lose?"

Robin swallows hard, her palms growing sweaty. "It... it was just some jewellery, nothing important!" she says, jittery. 

She can't let him know, and she just can't.

Licking her dry lips, she continues, "I-I left it somewhere, and I was trying to get it back."

Malik's brow furrows, and for a moment, Robin thinks he will press the issue further.

But then he sighs, his shoulders slumping slightly.

"Alright," he says, his voice weary. "Just be more careful with your belongings from now on, hmm?"

Robin nods, relief flooding through her. "I will, I promise."

Malik nods, then turns to leave. But just before he reaches the door, he pauses, his gaze lingering on the cake sitting on the counter.

"You made this for me?" he asks, his voice soft.

Robin nods, her heart pounding. "Yes, I... I wanted to do something nice for you."

Malik's lips curve into a small smile, and he reaches out, gently brushing his fingers against her cheek. "Thank you, my love," he murmurs before turning and disappearing into the hallway's darkness.

The next day, Robin nearly wears a hole in the ground from her pacing, worry clouding her thoughts.

What if the clerk doesn't bring the ring as planned? What if Malik finds out? What If he gets mad?!

 _ding-dong_ !

The doorbell rings, breaking the woman out of her thoughts.

Robin hurries to answer it, her heart pounding. Gulping, she nervously opens the door, glancing over her shoulder to ensure none of the maids are around. 

Turning, she gives the clerk a shaky smile, "H-hello, good morning,"

The clerk, looking casual in a pair of slacks and hoodie, smiles at her, amusement in his eyes, "Good morning to you too." He replies. He pats his pockets, "I have what you're looking for,"

Robin immediately perks up, eyes brightening with excitement, "Oh yes! Thank you so much!" she says. "I appreciate you doing this."

The brunette offers her a small smile as he retrieves the ring from his pocket. "It's no problem. I'm just glad I could be of assistance." He gently places the ring in Robin's trembling hand. "There you are, safe and sound."

Robin examines the ring, relief washing over her face. "I don't know what I would have done if I had lost this. It means everything to me." She pauses, her brow furrowing. "I'm sorry for the inconvenience. I just... I couldn't risk losing it."

The clerk nods understandingly. "I understand completely. Just…" He places a reassuring hand on her arm. "I wanted to ask you about something."

Robin's breath catches, her eyes wide. Swallowing, she asks, "What is it?"

His eyes draw her in as he leans closer, "I want to invite you to an extraordinary art exhibition. It's going to be held this evening. Like-minded people should always be around each other. I would like it if you came," he says smoothly.

Robin flushes, looking down, her fingers toying with her ring, " I-I don't k-know if I can make it,"

The man smiles and gives her arm a few reassuring pats, "Just think about it, okay?"

Robin nods, her blush deepening.

"Thank you, again… for the ring," she whispers, ducking her head, suddenly shy.

The clerk smiles, something like warmth flashing in her eyes, "You're welcome," he says, leaving.

 But just as he's about to step off the porch, he pauses, his gaze fixed on something in the distance.

Robin follows his line of sight and sees Malik's car pulling up the driveway.

 Her heart sinks, and she turns back to the clerk, her eyes pleading.

"Please, you should go," she says, trembling. "My husband... he doesn't like visitors."

The clerk frowns, looking displeased, "Of course, Miss. Take care of yourself, hmm?" he says quietly, a knowing look in his eyes

With that, he turns and hurries down the driveway just as Malik's car approaches the front door. 

Robin watches, her heart pounding, as Malik steps out of the car, his gaze fixed on the retreating figure of the clerk.

"Who was that?" Malik asks, his voice sharp.

Robin swallows hard, her palms growing sweaty. "N-no one," she stammers. "He was just... delivering something I had lost."

Malik's eyes narrow, his gaze sweeping over the retreating figure of the clerk. "And what exactly did you lose?" he asks, his voice low and dangerous.

Robin hesitates, her fingers clutching the ring tightly. "It... it was just a ring," she says, her voice barely above a whisper. "I left it at the paint store, and they brought it back for me."

Malik's expression darkens, and he steps closer, eyes boring into hers. "A ring, hmm? And why, pray tell, did you bring a man here without my knowledge?"

Robin shrinks back, her heart pounding. 

"I-I," she stammers, mind scrambling for a plausible explanation, but before she can speak, Malik cuts her off. "Are you cheating on me?" he accuses, his voice laced with anger and betrayal.

Her eyes widen, and she quickly interjects. "No, Malik, it's not w-what you think! T-that man was returning my ring. I lost it! and he came to bring it back!." She cries.

Malik's gaze is dark, his jaw clenched. "You better be telling me the truth, Robin. I won't tolerate any lies or deception." He says coldly.

Robin's heart pounds as she nods emphatically, "Yes!"

Malik's lips press into a thin line, and for a moment, Robin fears he'll lash out. 

But Malik brushes past her, nearly toppling her over.

Robin sobs, her fingers trembling as they swipe her wet cheeks. 

She never would have imagined that retrieving her ring would lead her to such a confrontation with Malik.

She should have just forgotten the ring.