Consequences of Actions. 

"Who wants to go first?" the artist calls out, scanning the crowd.

Robin braces herself, praying that she won't be selected. But to her dismay, the artist's gaze settles on her, and he extends a hand in her direction. "You, my dear! Why don't you kick us off?"

Reluctantly, Robin steps forward, her palms sweating. "I, um, I'd rather not play, if that's okay," she says, her voice barely above a whisper.

The artist's brow furrows in mock disappointment. "Aw, come on, don't be a spoilsport! Everyone's dying to get to know you better." He turns to the crowd, who immediately begin jeering and booing.

Robin immediately feels the pressure crush her. Feeling cornered, she sighs in resignation. "A-alright, fine. I'll play." She moves to stand beside the artist, her heart racing.

"Wonderful!" he exclaims, clapping his hands together. "Now, let's start with something easy. What's your address, my dear?"

Robin's eyes dart nervously around the room. "I, um, I'd rather not share that information," she says, her voice wavering.

The artist tsks and shakes his head. "Tsk, tsk, tsk. That means you have to kiss the person next to you!" He gestures to a handsome, well-dressed man beside Robin, who grins suggestively.

Robin's face flushes with embarrassment and panic. "B-but I can't - I'm married," she protests weakly.

"Ah, well, that's too bad," the artist says, his tone dripping with mock sympathy. "Rules are rules, my dear. You either kiss him or take a drink."

Feeling cornered and overwhelmed, Robin reaches for the nearest glass of wine and downs it in one gulp, the alcohol burning her throat. She can feel the eyes of the others on her, their expressions a mix of amusement and curiosity.

The man chuckles and moves on to the next participant, but Robin's mind is reeling. She glances a glance at Ramsey, but his expression is unreadable.

Suddenly, the man beside her leans in, his breath tickling her ear. "You know, I find you quite intriguing, Robin," he murmurs, his voice low and sultry. "Perhaps we could get to know each other better, hmm?"

Robin recoils, her heart pounding in her chest. "Please, I'm married," she pleads, trembling.

The man only chuckles but thankfully leaves her alone.

Robin quickly regrets her decision to come here as she drinks after drink, her mind already swirling with dizziness.

When it gets to his turn, the man next to her is asked about his most recent romantic conquest. He shrugs and turns to Robin, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

"Well, I suppose I'll have to take my penalty, then," he says, leaning in.

Robin's heart races as his lips brush against hers, and she feels a surge of panic. She wants to pull away to end this charade, but the artist's hand on her arm holds her in place.

As he finally pulls back, Robin can feel the eyes of the entire group upon her, and she fights the urge to shrink away. Ramsey is already on his feet, his face red with anger as he rushes up to her but suddenly halts on his tracks.

Her breath catches in her throat as she feels a familiar, stifling presence behind her. 'No,' she thinks, her heart leaping into her mouth, and a familiar scent from a perfume behind her. 

Turning slowly, she finds Malik, her husband, standing there, and his eyes shadowed with rage, his expression practically screaming danger.

"M-Malik?" she stammers, her voice shaking.

"Come," Malik's voice is terse, and she can hear the underlying anger in his tone. He quickly turns on his heels and leaves the gallery, not sparing a moment to wait for her.

Robin tries to rush after him, but a hand suddenly grabs her arm. "Hey!" she exclaims, turning to meet the concerned eyes of Ramsey.

"You okay?" he asks gently.

Robin nods, her voice barely above a whisper. "I-I'm fine," she stammers, her fingers clutching her purse strap like a lifeline before tugging her arm out of his grasp and running for the exit.

The other artists exchange uneasy glances, but they don't stop her as they watch her leave.

Robin bursts out of the building, her eyes wide as they search for Malik. She hears the sound of a door opening and turns to see his car parked in the street, the car's owner standing beside the open door.

Robin takes a shaky step closer. "I... I'm sorry," she says, her mind racing. "I-I just wanted to go out for a while."

There's a long pause, and Robin can practically feel the tension crackling. "Robin," Malik says finally, his voice low and dangerous. "Get in the car. Now."

Before she can respond, he slips into the vehicle and shuts the door, and Robin stands there, her heart pounding. She knows she's in trouble, and she can't help but feel a sense of dread as she slips into the passenger seat.

The drive back to the mansion is silent, the air thick with Malik's barely contained fury. Robin keeps her gaze fixed on her hands, her fingers trembling. She knows she's crossed a line, and the consequences will surely be severe.

As they pull into the driveway, Malik finally breaks the silence. "Out," he commands, his voice sharp and unyielding.

Robin hesitates momentarily, then slowly opens the car door and steps out, her legs feeling like jelly. Malik strides ahead of her, his steps quick and purposeful, and Robin has no choice but to follow, her heart pounding in her chest.