Washed Dreams

The second time, Robin returns to the house, determined to make Malik listen. But as she approaches the gates, the woman, Layla, is standing, waiting for her.

Layla's stern expression immediately makes Robin's stomach twist with dread

"H-hello," Robin whispers, but the woman just narrows her eyes at her. "Please, I need to talk to my husband," she begs, trembling.

The woman's brow furrows as she regards her coolly. "He's not your husband anymore. I thought he made it clear that he doesn't want to see you again," she says, his tone clipped.

Robin's eyes fill with tears. "I know, but this is important. I...I'm-" She tries to say the words, her hand instinctively moving to her abdomen, but they get stuck in her throat, refusing to come out.

However, Layla seems to understand, her eyes widening momentarily before her expression hardens. "That's not my problem," she snaps, moving to open the gate.

"No, please!" Robin cries, throwing her hand out to stop her. "I need your help. I don't know what to do. Please, I have nowhere else to go."

Her jaw tightens, and she glares at Robin venomously. "I don't care!" With that, she opens the gate and slips in before firmly pushing it closed, leaving Robin standing there, heart-shattering.

When she returns to the apartment, Robin collapses onto the couch, the weight of her situation crashing down on her. 

She curls up, hugging her knees to her chest as the tears she's been holding back finally spill over. 

"What am I going to do, Ramsey?" she whispers, her voice thick with anguish.

Ramsey stands by the hallway with an unreadable look on his face. " I don't know," After a long pause, he sighs and sits beside her. "You know I can't get involved in this, Robin. It's not my place."

"But you're the only one I have left!" she cries, grasping his arm. "You're the only one who understands. Ramsey. I don't know what to do. Please help me..."

Ramsey averts his gaze, his expression conflicted. "Do you love him, Robin? Truly?"

Robin blinks in confusion. "Of course I do. He's my everything, my reason for living. I can't imagine my life without him."

Ramsey nods slowly, his brow furrowed. "And does he love you? Enough to forgive this?"

Robin's shoulders slump. "I... I don't know. He was so angry, Ramsey. He wouldn't even let me explain." 

Fresh tears spilled down her cheeks. "I can't help but wonder what would happen if he never forgives me.... But I need to try again. I have to make him understand."

For the last time, Robin returns to the house, her determination fueled by desperate hope.

But as she approaches the gates, she's met with an eerie silence. The house is empty, the windows dark, and the grounds deserted.

"Where is everybody?" she whispers, her heart sinking. "Where have they gone?"

She approaches the gate, her fingers trembling as she pushes it open. 

The driveway is empty, and a sense of dread settles in her stomach.

"No, no, no," she murmurs, her voice cracking with anguish. "He can't be gone. He can't have left me."

She stumbles forward, her legs shaking, and reaches the front door. But it's locked, and when she peers through the windows, she sees that the house is completely abandoned.

Sinking to her knees, Robin lets out an anguished cry, the weight of her despair crushing her.

 She's lost him, lost everything.

The thought swirls through her mind as she cries.

Suddenly, she feels wetness drip down on her head. 

She looks up, startled, to find storm clouds gathering, reminiscent of the first time Malik rejected her.

She swallows bitterly. It must be a sign that none of this was meant to be.

She sighs, pushing herself to her feet, even as the rain soaks her clothes.

It's time to give up.

The rain continues to pour as Robin makes her way to the gate, her steps heavy with exhaustion and despair. 

But as she tries to cross the road, a sudden movement catches her eye. 

She turns just in time to see a car speeding towards her, its headlights cutting through the gloom. She freezes, her mind racing, and at that moment, she recognises the vehicle - it's her husband's car.

"No," she gasps, her voice barely audible. "He...he's trying to kill me."

Time seems to slow as she watches the car bear down on her, the driver's face a blur behind the windshield. 

She braces herself for the impact. Her only thought was a desperate prayer for the safety of the life growing within her.

The collision is deafening, the sound of crunching metal and shattering glass piercing the air. Robin is thrown backwards, her body crumpling to the ground as the car skids to a halt. For a moment, there is only silence, save for the patter of rain on the pavement.

Then, she hears feet running, and a figure emerges, rushing towards her. 

Robin squints through the haze of pain, her vision blurring, and as the figure draws closer, she recognises the familiar face.

"R-Ramsey?" she whispers, her voice barely audible.

Ramsey drops to his knees beside her, his eyes wild with panic. "Robin! Oh, God, Robin, can you hear me?"

Robin tries to speak, to reassure him, but the words catch in her throat. 

She can feel the warmth of her blood pooling around her and a sudden, overwhelming fear grips her.

"The... the baby," she manages to gasp, her hand reaching weakly towards her abdomen.

Ramsey's expression shifts to one of horrified realisation, and he immediately applies pressure to the worst of her injuries, his hands trembling.

"Hold on, Robin," he pleads, his voice thick with emotion. "Help is coming. Just hold on."

Robin's vision begins to fade, the sound of the rain and Ramsey's desperate pleas fading into the distance. 

As the darkness closes in, her final thought is a silent prayer for the life she may have lost and the future she may never have the chance to see. The rain continues to pour down, washing away the blood and the tears.