
(3 years later)

The news announcer's deep voice boomed through the room as Robin sat sipping her tea, lost in thought. 

"...and in our top story this evening, local tycoon Malik has added yet another multi-billion dollar corporation to his burgeoning portfolio. With holdings now spanning finance, tech, real estate and more, analysts state Mr. Malik has cemented his position as the wealthiest individual on the continent at only 30 years of age with a staggering net worth of over $15 billion. His meteoric rise to success has left the business world in awe, as he now controls a vast empire of five multi-billion dollar companies...."

Robin sits on the edge of the couch, eyes glued to the screen as the report continues.

A frown slowly spreads across her face as she watches the images of Malik, his confident smile and sharp, tailored suits, impeccable.

She scowls, her brow furrowing in a mix of frustration and hatred. 

Just as she's about to unleash a scathing retort, the television abruptly shuts off.

Startled, Robin whirls around to find Ramsey standing beside the couch, his sea-foam eyes bright and his expression unreadable. 

Dressed impeccably in a tailored black tuxedo, he cuts an imposing figure.

"I think you've seen enough of that, don't you?" he says, his voice calm but firm.

Robin blinks, momentarily disoriented. "Ramsey, I..." Her words trail off as she realizes he's right. 

Dwelling on Malik's success would only serve to dredge up painful memories.

Ramsey moves closer, placing a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "Are you ready?" he asks, his gaze searching her face.

Robin takes a deep breath and nods, her expression resolute. 

For the past three years, Robin has been training tirelessly, honing her skills and preparing for this moment. She's more than ready to take on the world, whatever the cost.

Draining the last of her tea, Robin rose determinedly. "I'm ready."

Ramsey smiled, eyes gleaming.

"Then let us be off. It's time." 

As Robin turned to retrieve her purse, her heel caught on the hem of her skirt, sending her stumbling forward with a startled yelp. 

Small hands darted out vainly to catch herself on the edge of a side table, toppling an elaborately stacked pile of books to the floor with a resounding crash. 

Robin frowned down at the torn silk now riding dangerously high on her shapely calf.


Looking at the man, she says. "Ramsey, I..." She glances down again at her dress, a look of dismay crossing her features.

The delicate fabric is clearly ruined, a jagged rip running along the side of the skirt. 

Robin lets out a frustrated groan, her fingers tracing the damaged material.

"Oh, no, not now," she mutters, her eyes flashing with annoyance.

Ramsey steps closer, his gaze following the line of the tear. "Well, this is certainly a predicament," he says, a hint of amusement in his voice.

Robin shoots him a withering look. "This is not funny, Ramsey. I can't go out there like this." She gestures helplessly at the damaged dress.

"I'll need a few minutes to change," she says, already turning toward the bedroom. "Just... give me a moment, alright?"

Ramsey nods, a small smile playing on his lips. "Take your time. I'll be right here."

In the privacy of her room, Robin quickly sheds the ruined dress, her fingers fumbling as she searches for a suitable replacement. 

She settles on a sleek, black ensemble, the fabric clinging to her curves in a way that exudes confidence and sophistication.

As she examines herself in the mirror, Robin's gaze falls on the thin strings at the back of the dress. 

She frowns, realizing that the delicate fastening has become tangled, making it nearly impossible to close the garment.

"Ugh, perfect," she mutters, her frustration evident in her voice. She tugs at the material, but it refuses to budge.

"Come on, you stupid thing," she growls, her fingers growing increasingly frantic. "This is not happening, not today of all days."

Just as she's about to admit defeat, a knock on the door startles her.

"Robin? Is everything alright?" Ramsey's voice carries a hint of concern.

Robin sighs, her shoulders slumping in defeat. "No, not really," she calls out, her voice laced with annoyance. "The strings on this dress are messed up, and I can't get it to close."

There's a brief pause, and then the door creaks open, Ramsey's tall frame filling the doorway.

"Do you need some help?" he asks, his gaze meeting hers in the mirror.

Robin hesitates for a moment, her pride warring with her desperation.

But as she glances down at the dress, she knows she has no choice.

"Fine," she mutters, turning to face him. "But be careful, alright? This dress is delicate."

Ramsey nods, his expression serious as he steps closer. "Of course," he says, his voice soft and soothing.

As Ramsey's fingers brush against the bare skin of her back, Robin feels a familiar tingle. His touch is gentle, almost reverential, as he carefully threads the strings through the eyelets. She can feel the warmth of his breath on the nape of her neck, and her heart begins to race.

Robin tries to push down the sensations, reminding herself that this is no time for such distractions. She has a mission to accomplish, a score to settle. But Ramsey's proximity is making it increasingly difficult to maintain her focus.

When he finally finishes tying the strings, Ramsey steps back and regards Robin with an unreadable expression. "There, all done," he murmurs, his gaze lingering on her flushed cheeks. Suddenly, Robin looks up.

Their reflected gazes caught momentarily in the mirror, something unspoken passing between them, before Robin turned decisively away.

Her cheeks are flushed with a mixture of embarrassment and something else she can't quite place.

She clears her throat, trying to comport herself before turning to face him, her fingers shaky. 

"Thank you," she says, her voice barely above a whisper.

Ramsey's gaze lingers on hers for a moment, and Robin feels a familiar warmth bloom in her chest. 

But before she can say anything else, he clears his throat and takes a step back.

"We should probably get going," he says, his tone brisk but not unkind. "Wouldn't want to be late, now would we?"

Robin shakes her head, trying to discard her thoughts, "yes, yes. Let's go." she said brusquely, moving past him with haste.

But Ramsey immediately reaches out and gently takes her hand, stopping her.

"You know, Robin, I'm supposed to escort you there. I am your date after all,"

Robin swallows, hard, her heart pounding at his touch. "Right. Let's do this."

Ramsey smiles, eyes hooded as he releases her hand.

Straightening, the man offers her his arm, saying, "shall we?"

Robin nods, her heart racing as she takes his arm and they make their way out the door.

As they walk hand-in-hand, she can't help but wonder what the night has in store for them.