Perfect Dress.

Ramesy's sea green eyes narrow slightly at her words, and Robin can almost see the gears turning in his head as he processes this new challenge. 

"I...I suppose I'm not as familiar with women's clothing as I am my own." He clears his throat, a hint of a flush coloring his chiseled features. 

"But I want to get this right. You deserve the perfect dress."

Robin feels a flutter in her chest at his words.

Clearing her throat, she gives him a shaky smile, "It's alright, Ramsey. I'm happy to try on a few options and see what we like."

With a resolute nod, Ramsey gestures to the nearest rack. "Then let's get started, shall we?"

Over the next hour, the pair meticulously sifts through the boutique's selection, Ramsey checking each dress with intense focus. 

Robin dutifully obeys his requests to try on garment after garment, emerging from the dressing room to gauge his reaction.

"Hmm, no, that one doesn't quite capture your essence," Ramsey murmurs, brow furrowed in thought. "Perhaps something with a bit more...flair?"

Robin suppresses a groan at his words. Robin takes it all back. Shopping is a nightmare. And she wouldn't wish it on anyone (maybe except Malik). Is there even a person who would like being treated like a full grown barbie doll.

"Ramsey, I'm starting to think you might be more invested in this than I am."

He glances up, a sheepish smile tugging at his lips.

"I suppose I am. I just want to make sure you look absolutely stunning."

The boutique's staff members, who have been discreetly observing them, exchange conspiratorial glances and barely stifled giggles. 

One young saleswoman leans in to her colleague, whispering, "Isn't he just the sweetest thing?"

Her companion nods eagerly. "I know! He's so determined to find the perfect dress for his lady. It's adorable!"

Ramsey, oblivious to the growing adoration of the staff, continues his quest. 

"Aha, what about this one?" He holds up a vibrant, floor-length gown, the rich fabric shimmering in the light.

Robin's eyes widen as she takes in the dress. "Ramsey, that's...that's gorgeous. But I don't know if I can pull off something so elaborate."

"Nonsense!" he declares, thrusting the dress into her hands. "You'll look fine . Now, go try it on!"

With a resigned sigh, Robin retreats to the dressing room once more. 

As she slips into the dress, she can't help but frown at the way it hugs her curves and accentuates her neckline. It feels very….. daring.

Stepping out, she finds Ramsey waiting patiently, his eyes lighting up as he takes in the sight of her.

Suddenly feeling shy under his gaze, Robin immediately turns her back to him and stands before the three-way mirror, smoothing her hands over the fabric of a deep blue gown nervously.

"Well, what do you think?" Robin asks, glancing at Ramsey through the reflection.

Ramsey's eyes scan Robin's reflection, taking in the way the dress accentuates her curves. 

He clears his throat, feeling very flustered. "It's... nice," he manages, cursing himself inwardly for his lack of eloquence.

Robin sighs, turning to face him directly. "I don't know, Ramsey. I can't seem to decide which one I like best."

Ramsey's brow furrows deeper as he surveys the other dresses draped over the chairs. "But you tried them all on?" he asks, his voice tinged with uncertainty.

"Yes, of course," Robin replies, a hint of exasperation in her tone. "But I'm still undecided."

Ramsey's gaze shifts between the dresses and Robin's expectant expression. 

He feels increasingly out of his element, unsure of how to provide any meaningful input. Suddenly, an idea strikes him.

"Then let's get them all," he states matter-of-factly.

Robin's eyes widen in surprise. "All of them?" she echoes, stunned.

Turning to the manager, he says, "Please, pack up the entire catalogue. I'll take them all."

The manager's eyes widen in shock. "The...the entire catalogue? Are you sure, sir?"

Ramsey nods decisively. "Absolutely. I want Charlotte to have the best of the best."

Robin stares at him, mouth agape. "Ramsey, you can't be serious. That's...that's too much!"

He waves a dismissive hand. "Nonsense." His gaze softens as he meets her eyes. "You deserve it, Robin."

The manager hurries off, barking orders to the dazzled staff, who eagerly set to work packing up the dresses. 

Robin shakes her head in disbelief, a small smile tugging at her lips.

"You really are something else, Ramsey," she murmurs, feeling a flutter of something in her chest. Ramsey beams, his earlier confusion replaced by a look of pure satisfaction. "I aim to please," he declares, gesturing for her to go to the dressing rooms. "Take that off so we can package it too."

Robin sighs, knowing better than to argue with Ramsey when he's made up his mind.

When Robin has retreated to go remove the dress, Ramsey turns to the closest worker and asks, "Now, what about jewelry? What would you recommend to complement these dresses?"

The sales associate's eyes light up, and she quickly launches into a detailed explanation of the latest trends and must-have accessories. 

Ramsey listens intently, his brow furrowed in thought, as the woman enthusiastically describes various necklaces, earrings, and bracelets.

Seeing this, the other women also swarm Ramsey, offering suggestions and holding up various pieces of jewelry.

When Robin exits the dressing, this is the sight she meets.

Robin sighs and shakes her head. "Looks like he's a hit with the ladies," she mutters under her breath, a twinge of annoyance and anger in her voice.

Ramsey, her clever and mysterious strategist/ benefactor, is now surrounded by a gaggle of giggling women, all vying for his attention. 

It's a sight that would be comical if it weren't so vexing.

The man, still blissfully unaware of the women's intentions, listens intently, nodding and humming in agreement as they extol the virtues of each jewelry. 

Robin can't help but feel a pang of jealousy as she watches the scene unfold, but she also can't deny that Ramsey was surprisingly kind….. and generous and suspiciously benevolent.

It's a side of Ramsey she's been opportune to to see, and the thought of it, no matter how she tries to deny it, makes her heart act weird.