Chapter Twelve

~Who are you?!~

{Moon Realm}

A man walked into a chamber in Eldtrorse. He's one of the Lords, Lord Melchoir

"The Crown Prince had left in search of his Moon goddess" he stated, taking steady steps. 

Lord Dexidus stared up at him and smirked "High time we carry out our plans" he said, fingering his beards

"We have tti get rid off the Queen mother first" Drusilla, one of the Noble Ladies chimmed in. She was sitting beside Lord Melchoir the whole time.

"How do we do that?" The duo turned to her. 

"I have an idea" Drusilla smirked evily. 

"Once the Queen mother is dead, the princes would be powerless and penniless so, they can do nothing. We also have to find a way to stop the prince from coming back to the Moon Realm" a voice came and they all turned towards the door, a hush fell in the room only the sound of clicking heels could be heard until the lady appeared, clad in a royal attendant uniform.

"Eudocia!?" Drusilla shrieked in shock.

"How now, Lady Drusilla" Eudocia smirked. She's the Queen's most trusted attendant.

"You won't regret joining us" Lord Melchoir smirked satisfactorily.

"The plan goes this way"

Queen Diantha sighed for the utmost time without saying anything. She'd been like this since prince Lansel left and one could clearly tell something is disturbing her. 

"Your Grace, what cheer?" Eudocia asked with a bow. 

"There's a certain feeling of uneasiness in my heart, Eudocia" Queen Diantha replied, her face dropped. Worry was evident in her ocean blue eyes.

"Why could that be, Your Grace?" Eudocia asked again.

"I have a feeling something bbad will happen now that the throne is empty. The prince left in search for his goddess so, I feel really uneasy" Queen Diantha explained, with a long deep sigh. 

Eudocia smirked inwardly before replacing it with a worried look. Seems she's good at acting. "You need not to worry, Your Grace. There could be power-thirsty people in the Realm but no one can defeat you. The throne is safe in your hands from now till the crown prince is back. You just have to be strong and stay alert at all times"

The news of a mysterious man searching for the lady that can purify a demon-possessed living spread quickly with the speed of light in the Calm, leaving people to wonder who he is and why he's searching for such lady in such lowlife village. 

It's been three days and still no improvement. In those three days, the prince commanded every lady to gather up at the marketplace where he'll search. He ordered Severus to get a demon-possessed plant and keep it on a table while the ladies would take rounds to try purifying it. 

Well, his hardwork all went in vain because none of the ladies could purify a demon-possessed plant. Prince Lansel sighed for the utmost time tiredly. Something flashed in his brain and he suddenly wondered why he must have forgotten to test the lady with bewildering silver hair and silver eyes. He sprang his feet up and Marius and Severus followed suit. 

"Don't follow me" he disappeared.

Prince Lansel appeared at the backyard of Niamh's house just to see her sitting with Vladimir, chatting. They both stood up when they sighted him. Prince Lansel felt a strange and dangerous aura around Vladimir and he stared intently at him. Vladimir's gaze turend sharp and vicious andhis face turned darker and colder. There's something behind that intent gazes, dangerous and strange aura and the pressure that was built between them. 

Niamh was just staring at them in confusion. For some moments, she felt something was off between them. Prince Lansel clenched his fist tightly and a lurking storm took place in those sea green eyes.

"Who are you?!"