Chapter Thirty Three


Dionysios and his shadow guard, Cassius appeared in the Sapphire City where the purified demon was brought. They arrived in front of a small blue house and walked in. 

The young lad was there, laying on the small blue bed. Dionysios strode towards him and crouched down. 

"Is he still unconscious?" He asked, checking his pulse. 

"I guess so" Cassius replied with a slight bow. 

Almost immediately, the young lad fluttered his eyes open. He furrowed his brows when he came across an unfamiliar blue ceiling. 

"You're awake" Dionysios mumbled, loud enough for him to hear. 

"Where am I?" He asked, looking around. He grunted and sat up. 

"You're somewhere safe" Dionysios replied.

The young lad stared at Dionysios for a while, then gasped. 

"Prince Dionysios?" 

"Yes, what's your name?" Dionysios asked, calmly.

"This one's name is Amias" the young lad replied.

"You're from?" 

"Dream Nation" Amias replied. 

Dionysios seem to think for a while, the boy looks innocent. It's like he doesn't remember anything about him being possessed by a demon.

"I was abducted, did you save me?" Amias asked, breaking through Dionysios' thought. 


"He doesn't remember" Cassius chipped in from behind. 

"Ay, I was on my way to the college when I got abducted and now, I found myself in this the Moon Realm?" Amias asked and Cassius nodded muttering a'yes'. 

"You're safe now. You need not to worry" Dionysios patted his shoulder. 

"Do you have anyone in the Dream Nation?" He asked again. 

"Ay, my father and brother" 

Dionysios hung his head low and sighed.

'prince Damien is really heartless' he thought and looked up at Amias.

"You'll leave tomorrow to the Dream Nation, we won't keep your father and brother worried anymore" 


Prince Lansel sighed for the utmost time as he waited for Niamh to wake up. Since last night, he couldn't help but to worry about her. Strangely, he felt restless when he saw that she didn't wake up. He knew it's really strange for him to be overly concerned and worried over someone like her. 

The pain he felt when he saw her hurt and how restless he was throughout the night, those feelings were extremely new and strange to him.

Still, he kept reminding himself that if those feelings were what he's thinking and Niamh didn't turn out to be the goddess, then he knows he's done for. 

After what seems like eternity, he felt Niamh moved and her eyes fluttered open. 

"Neev!" He called in a whisper and gently helped her up. 

"Wh...what happened?" Niamh stuttered, rubbing her eyes. 

"You're alright, do you feel any pain?" Lansel couldn't help but ask. His voice was soft and laced with sincere worry and concern. Niamh shook her head, muttering a'no'. 

"I'll summon the maids to bring your meal" 

"But what really happened? I was with Nero, but I can't remember anything" Niamh furrowed her brows. 

Lansel sighed deeply "I don't know either" 

The maids walked in with Niamh's meal. 

"Let then freshen you up. I'll be back" Lansel teleported out of the room.

"My Lady, are you alright?" Ophelia and Kieran rushed to her sides. 

"No one knew what really happened. You just went unconscious" Kieran stated.

"I know, it's really strange" Niamh mumbled and lowered her head. 

"Did I hurt anyone?" She asked again, looking up at Kieran.

"I don't think so. No one was hurt" Kieran replied. 

"I believe you have some kinds of strange powers, my Lady" Ophelia stated.

"Some brain twisting sort of powers" Niamh remarked and the duo laughed. 

"You have to eat, My Lady" Ophelia dragged her to the dining.

By the time Lansel returned with Lucretzia, Niamh had already freshen up, eaten and was being dressed into a simple peach flare gown and her lustrous silver hair was styled in a braided ponytail. 

"Sit, let Lucretzia examine your health" Lansel stated and Neev meekly obeyed. My Lucretzia gently took her delicate hand into hers and checked her pulse.

"She's alright now" she announced and stood up. 

"Good, have some rest. Neriah will be here to keep your company. Don't go out no matter what" Lansel said, repeating that same warning with same firm tune of voice. 

Niamh gulped down and nodded like an obedient little child. Lansel nodded and left with Lucretzia, the maids left afterwards.

"Why is the Moon Realm going Helter skelter?" Lucretzia asked as she walked side by side with the prince through the large hallway. 

"Demons from Develdion are trooping in. We need to capture them and seal the walls of Moon Realm" Lansel replied.

"O la la... The demon prince is about to take his lady" Lucretzia commented teasingly but Lansel glared at her. 

She laughed at his reaction. "That's what I knew. She was Damien's lady until you stole her" her purple eyes twinkled jokingly as she said that.

"She was never Damien's. I didn't steal her, I SAVED her!" Lansel defended. 

"I was only kidding, Your Highness. No need to create an earthquake hmmph" Lucretzia smirked. 

Lansel glared daggers at her and huffed.

"I've already informed the Queen. We're going with Dionysios and Marius while you seal the walls" Lansel changed the entire discussion and walked passed her. 

Lucretzia laughed heartily and trailed behind him. Seems the prince didn't love to be teased this way. But really, his expression was amusing and priceless. It'll be cool to keep teasing him about Neev. Lucretzia leisurely shrugged her shoulders.