Chapter Forty Two


Prince Lansel took few steps backwards and bowed, offering his hand.

"Can I have a dance with you, M'lady?" He asked.

Niamh gasped in surprise. Like her prince charming asking for a dance is so surreal.

She blushed and placed her tiny palm on his. Prince Lansel gave her a quick sweet smile and led her to the dance floor.

Seeing the crown prince and one elegant lady, a slow music started playing in the background.

Lansel slowly slipped his hand around her waist making Neev almost breathless. He took her hands and draped it over his broad shoulders and so, they gently started swaying. She wasn't a noble lady, no one taught her how to dance but while following Lansel's steps, it felt easy and fun.

Dancing with the prince, when everyone is watching is taking Niamh to an entirely different level. She felt really shy and nervous but when she locked her silver eyes with Lansel's sea green ones, the world around them crumbled. Nothing mattered, only them swaying in the rhythm of the romantic music.

"You look stunning" Lansel complimented, still gazing at her silver eyes, they were like the moon, with million stars twirling within them, reflecting the cosmos within.

"Thank you. You're always handsome, my prince" Niamh reciprocated with a smile.

"No wonder the guys couldn't help but to gape at your beauty. I'll gauge out their eyes" he huffed, looking displeased or rather 'jealous'.

"Calm down, my prince. Perhaps I should stop looking beautiful" she replied, teasingly.

"You won't dare" Lansel glared playfully at her and she giggled.

"And the ladies are all envious. They'll love to dance with the great prince Lansel Styrix of the Moon Realm" Niamh let out a soft chuckle as she said that.

"Not even in their nightmares. None of them will ever get close to Prince Lansel Styrix of the Moon Realm" Lansel stated.

"That won't be fair. You'll one day get married to one of them, the princesses" Niamh said but she quickly regretted saying that.

Somehow, she felt like she doesn't want the prince to get married to someone else. She can't withstand the torture. Why was that feeling?

Lansel didn't say anything, he only smirked. That smirk meant something. What was he thinking? Niamh tried reading his mind but found out she couldn't. He blocked his mind from being read. She shook her head and brushed the thought off.

Niamh suddenly broke the eye contact and stared at elsewhere. Her eyes ran into a pair of dangerous and brooding red eyes that reflected a sudden intensity and danger.

It was the demon prince, Prince Damien staring directly at them. He sat there, resting his back, his legs crossed, holding a glass cup, the red wine dancing inside it. His black and red ensemble served as a symbol of his kingdom. His red eyes dangerously narrowed and his lips curved up sideways forming a smirk as his eyes locked with Niamh's.

Niamh subconsciously clung into Lansel, looking like a terrified kitten. Lansel noticed her discomfort and asked if she's alright. But when he set his eyes on Damien, phe instantly understood her sudden change; she's scared of him.

They stopped dancing and he pulled her to a side.

"Go back to your room" Lansel urged but Niamh shook her head.

"I'm scared" she whispered.

"There are guards everywhere, I won't let Damien take you. I promise" he cupped her cheeks

Niamh took numerous deep breaths to calm down and she nodded. "Go now"

He watched her leave before going to meet Damien.

He was still there, sitting and playing with his wine, looking undisturbed. Lansel took his seat beside him.

"The Great Demon prince is here" Lansel smirked, his voice was smoldering with all the sarcasm in the world.

"Obviously, let's celebrate your success" Damien replied, his eyes were full yet intense, reflecting the wildness of a beast.

Lansel let out a throaty chuckle and grinned. "But you were never invited"

Damien shrugged as his gaze raked over Lansel "she invited me to take her with me to Develdion" he stated in a low gruffly tone.

Lansel's gaze hardened instantly, his cold eyes glimmering with an impending storm.

"You're most welcome to try that foolishness" Lansel smirked, it wasn't a friendly one but a sly and dangerous one that by mere looking, you'll know he's planning something deadly and dangerous.

Damien cracked and sat up straight. "Let's see for how long..." He didn't complete his sentence as he rested his back on the chair and continued playing with the red wine.

Marius was back in the Realm, patrolling with the other soldiers but it seems he couldn't concentrate. The scene of him killing Aoife kept replaying in his mind and he strangely, he felt restless or rather 'remorseful'. He's regretting killing someone who has no miseries. Sighing for the utmost time, he went to see her.

Niamh walked as fast as she could, towards the guest house. It was dark outside, scaring the shit out of her. Not when she'd seen someone like Damien. Her worst nightmare.

She was in the courtyard beside the flowing river when Rialorna called her name. Niamh paused and turned to her. Rialorna was striding towards her.

"Are you going back to your room?" Rialorna asked. Niamh nodded slowly. She's too frightened to talk to someone like her.

Niamh wanted to walk away but a plant trapped her legs. She turned to Rialorna with a shocked expression. Rialorna had a fierce look in her eyes, her once bright pink hair turned brown and her eyes turned green .

Niamh flinched at the sudden transformation.

"Go to hell and join the dead, Snitch witch!" Rialorna gestured her hands towards her.

Twigs of plants trapped Neev, strangling her, chocking her to death. Niamh struggled to free herself. She couldn't tell and no one is there to save her.

Suddenly, Niamh stopped feeling herself and darkness slowly took over. Rialorna smiled proudly and threw her into the flowing river and laughed evily.

"Stupid weak goddess"