Battle Royale Finale

Silas, Jace, and Lyra converged in the arena's center. Battered. Weary. Relief washed over them as they reunited, each silently grateful for the others' survival.

A booming voice shattered their moment of respite. "Congratulations, combatants." The announcer's words dripped with cruel amusement. "But the battle is not yet over."

The trio exchanged confused glances, tension crackling between them.

"Only one can remain," the announcer continued. "The final victor must stand alone."

Silas's jaw clenched. He stepped forward, voice ringing with defiance. "These are my friends. We came here together, and we'll leave together."

A cold chuckle echoed through the arena, sending chills down their spines. "It doesn't matter," the announcer replied, tone devoid of sympathy. "The rules are absolute. There can only be one combatant remaining in the arena."