The Demon Lord Azuroth

Silas's voice echoed through the cavernous chamber, cutting through the eerie silence. "Who are you?" he shouted, his words laced with a mixture of defiance and curiosity.

The hooded figure on the throne stirred, its movements slow and deliberate. With a fluid motion, it reached up and lowered its hood, revealing their face.

Grey skin stretched taut over angular features. Its eyes were pools of absolute darkness, devoid of any white or iris, seeming to absorb the very light around them. Atop its head, a pair of grey-blue horns curved upward, their sharp points gleaming in the dim light.

The demon's lips curled into a sardonic smile, revealing rows of pointed teeth. When it spoke, its voice was deep and resonant, filling the chamber with an almost palpable power.

"I am Azuroth, demon lord and former ruler of Hell," it announced, each word dripping with ancient malice. "And you, little mage, have stumbled into my domain."