Chapter 9 unconscious berserk part 1

It been 3 weeks since nid been living a staying with my and she adapt fast too she been a big her for me she also took care of my for the 4 days I was out of commission when I released all my qi to break that crystal that she was in

When I first woke up she was rap tightly and aggressive around my waist it was hard to breathe I was surprised by how strong she was but I finally managed to get her off me after 5 minutes of pulling as I was still recovering 

Not only has she been a big help but the food she makes from the animals of the forest with just the camp fire is delicious when I first had it I broke down into tears because I haven't had any good food since coming her and being in this cave it was better then when I made it 

There was something new when I opened system for the first time after waking up there was a new feature and was the title feature and I already had 4 titles unlocked [Titles: Monsters of monsters, Beast among beasts,First maid,The one who survived in nightmares]

And the titles some had a effect I was surprised when I saw they did but I still really don't know how I got them but I do understand the first maid one because of nid I think I might got the first 2 titles because of Qing family but who knows 

Chaos was right about the second title coming from the Qing family as they told there close friends and family about there experiences and how the survived thanks to a mysterious senior it was mainly the head of the family Qing ping they talked about it as the 3 women didn't talk about it with out asking permission first as they are cultivators and can feel things that ordinary people that not cultivators can't feel 

[Title: First maid:unlocks a unique trait qi crown] Retry Reason

 I did see the qi crown when I first woke up I don't know what it does as the description really doesn't say much right and I was surprised when I saw it floating about 4 inches above my head and the size of a apple with a light blue color and in a shape of a crown with small spikes in the middle on the outside where visible Retry Reason

[unique trait Qi Crown: A small crown made of qi floating above the head even if qi runs out it still be there. Low cultivation level to see more of description]

"That doesn't help at all" sigh

[Title The one who survives nightmares: increases the speed of which qi absorb and adaptability by 20%]

"That all the titles effect i got right now as it seems the others don't have one or hasn't meet the requirements" 

Back to present time

"Sigh what do i do about this"

 I sat there staring at the system As the system gave me a new mission i haven't seen before 

[continuous mission 1 out of 4: challenge Qin Lin of the spike bear clan to a fight. Reward: high regeneration upon completion]

[continuous mission 2 out of 4: fight Qin Lin for 3 minutes and survive]

"What hell wrong with my system right now!!!!"

I yelled in shock as I grabbed both sides of the system and begin to bend it 

"Forgot it" 

"Ha system question"

[yes host]

"Without you how good or strong I would be"

[host would be able to live somehow and would become a top 100 master of the house world in the Jinzel Vermilion country]

"I don't know how strong that is but still that good to hear..." 


"Ahak nid what is it you scared me there"

"It seem you was lost in through and wasn't responding to what I was saying but breakfast is ready so please come eat"

"O thank you nid"

As i got up and eat breakfast with nid

15 minutes later 

"Alright there no point in waiting anymore more let get this done with"

"Nid I be back I should be back in about mhm 5 minutes at most if not you stay here and my clones will come and get me"

"Master where are you going??"

"Don't worry I be back"

I said quickly leaving before anything else 

"Nid my self told me to talk you that after 30 minutes that is how long it going to take to get to his destination so you can start counting after words if you want if that helps but just let know so when I leave you know why"

"Ok master c"

Nid reply with a blank expression 

"Ok I got to be careful and avoid certain places as they to dangerous"

"System pull up map and tell me how long I have until I get there"

Ok host here map and you can get there in 25 minutes at current speed"

Ok thanks system I'm going in the right direction"

As I running full speed and hopping in between trees too to avoid fights and other annoying stuff and if I walk there it would took a whole day or more a most if you get attacked and if you different and hide and move then half a day and if you run with out avoiding 

And fought every so often the at least 1 hour to where I'm going I my be wrong in saying 

22 minutes later 

"Ok finally here at least"sigh sigh

As I was outside where I need to be but couldn't see it as it was hidden 

"Since I got here faster then initially time let recovery my energy first and then look for how to get in system pass me a energy recovery pill"

[here you go host] 

As a pill plot into my hand and I eat it after recovery 45 seconds later as I didn't use that energy and was conserving as best as I could coming here after that I jump down from the tree and start to look away 

I search around and didn't find anything yet

Else where in the bear clan hideout 

"Clan leader there urgent report right!!!"

"What is it Qin Jin"

Reply Clan leader Qin shuling 

"There a human spot outside of are clan's place"

Said Qin Jin the clan's martial guard and instructor as he kneeling on one knee 

"There a human outside the clan place how did get here has he got in you !!!!!!" Retry Reason

"No he has got in yet he looking around trying search around he hasn't been able to find her yet" 

Are I will take a look and call my brother, my son and nephew here"

"At your command what about young miss and Madame"

"For now don't let them know and how them stay away from for a important meeting"

"Ok my lord"

Qin Jin left to call the people needed

"System this is the right place right?!?"

[yes host it the right place]

"Can you please tell me how to get in"

[host have to find by his self] Retry Reason

"Alright alright I will keep looking"

As wave away the system and keep looking 

"You called brother"

"Go timing come here and look at the crystal screen"

As everyone look up and saw on the crystal screen made of qi connect to outside to see that there was a human outside there clan place

"Uncle is that a human we see on the screen"

Yes it is I don't know how got to here and survived moreover less but that doesn't change the fact he here right now!?"

"What should we do brother??!"

Said Qin Shunlin the clan's leader young twin

"I don't know right now as this a surprise but let's see what he does before.." 

Before Qin shuling could finish I watch something Terrifier happened as they saw the human turn around and look directly at the crystal screen location and said

"Found you" 

And put his hands on the entrance and started to tear it apart making a split and walk in as it closed back up

"What the hell was that no that the main worry right now how did he get in and find this place"

Qin Shuling said out in confusion and shock 

A minute before 

"I still haven't found it I knew it wouldn't be easy but dang i want to get done as fast as possible"

I shout in anger as I continue to search 

As I feel something as the qi crown above my head turn to the right a bit as I turn around 

"Found you"

As I now knew where I needed to go and headed to the entrance and started to pull

"Dam this is fucking tuff it like trying to pull something that really stuck in there with a bit of a slight burn too it"

As I continue and made a little slit in it and it got big

[ding congratulations to host for founding the bear clan hideout reward is opening of the clans formation entrance to clan]

As the entrance open big enough for me to walk through 

"Final i found it and now in"

As I walked in until I got to there town and was stopped at the entrance 

"Spot there any further and we can't guaranteed your life anymore"

This is the first time I'm seeing beastman or would it be beast folk?

"Don't worry I'm not going to go anywhere or any further all I want y'all to do is just being me Qin Lin so I can have a far 1 v 1 fight with him"

"And I won't more from that tree over there"

I jest to the tree behind me

"!!Gggh who the hell are to talk like that after to breaking into someone else's place and demand us to bring someone to you!!"

"That none of your concerns I know I'm in the wrong for doing this but you just need to know I don't mean any harm and just want to have a fare and peaceful 1 v1 fight with your clansmen Qin Lin that all"

"Like hell you do!!"

As he lunged too attack 

"What don't"

His captain called out to stop him but it was too late with a swift movement he saw the human behind his attacker 

"What how you get behi…"

Before he could finish speaking he cough up blood and fell to the floor with cuts over his body 

The captain saw as he was confused how it happened so fast even if neli is one of the weakest he still decently strong and shouldn't have had gone down like that

"Don't make such a serious expression he still alive he just unconscious right now I didn't kill him as I said I just want to do this peacefully"

"When do he get behind me"

Captain wang looked in shock 

"Thank you for not killing him even tho"

"That enough you have to say anymore i just want to do this quickly and quietly and I don't want to hear bout him either" not now

I was wasn't trying to be rude or mean it was I was a bit crunch for time as I only had about 4 minutes left before nid started counting and my clone comes to get me I went and laid down on the tree and close my eyes 

A minute later I felt a person presence approaching me when I opened my eyes there was a kid there

"Ha ajusshi"

Brain translating 🔄= Uncle 

"Uncle I ain't that old I'm still in my teens!!!"

"You funny uncle"

"Nooo no no call me older brother or something!"

"Ok so do you want to play with me"

As the girl gave me a bright and pure smile 

"I really can't right now I waiting for someone one" Retry Reason

"So you don't want to play with Mel"

She sadly look down at the ground 

"You still can play with me until that person comes"

As she kept persistent sitting next to me 

"Sight fine you won what do you what to do first but what your name and age"

"My name is Mel Mel and I'm 13 right now"

"Where your family at"

"They busy and there times where they can't play we me so sometimes play pranks on them and sneak out the house"

But Mel what's to play catch and I want you to teach me some moves too as you was really cool and fast when you beat the guard Neil in a second"

"Ok ok I will try to teach you best I can for your level"

So we played catch throwing it back and forth there time she threw it how into the sky and jumped and get it then she ride on my shoulder and I would run around with her and I would teach her a little of martial arts to defend her self she learn pretty fast and I taught her a bit of the basics of light foot work I was fine teaching her the foot work I copied from the bandit i killed but I taught her a lower version of it

2 minutes later a guard came 

"Mel what are you doing here you know not to sneak out the house"

"Oops look like they found me I got to go please come visit again"

"I don't will be able too"

"No no no you get too come visit again you got you got!!!!!"

"Ok ok come down you do have to cry I will come visit again when I'm free or something time soon after"

"Sniff sniff you will"

"Yes I will"

"You pinky promise"

"Yes piny promise"

"Ok see you later"

"Wait a sec Mel"

"Yes what is it"

"Here take this"

I hand her a martial arts book

"What this"

She looked curiously

"It a basic martial arts book for you so you can practice martial art and defend your"

"Really for me"

She said with a heart felt smile and happiness 

"Yes for you"

"This is the first gift I got from a actual friend"

"Thank you and see you later"

As she wave and left 

She so cute and adorable even if she a bit pushy and annoying right now and a nice girl i feel a little sad for her but I can't worry about that right now 

A few seconds after Mel left 2 people technically 3 people came and one of them was they bear that attack and nearly killed me at the start of chapter one(as soon I came here) my face went from a peaceful and relaxed face to a face full of rage and anger of pure hatred.