Chapter 17

It been about 3 weeks now in the sea of consciousness, there a lot learn, improve on in that time and new things I did.

The first thing was that when I was training I noticed that there was thin Qi laying around my body like armor. After having clones training with and my self too I found out that not only does it protects me from certain amounts of damage, but also gets stronger with more Qi put into it.

It doesn't take the Qi I already have in my core when it just on my body but it will take Qi with I'm hit by something. The next thing was that when I got my system rewards because the duplicates of the same rewards and the titles, 1 reward was missing I asked system about it but all it said was.

[All rewards has been given to the host nothing missing, there are rare chances for host to get a "hidden hidden reward" that is hidden from the host but is also active]

"So basically a passive reward I can't see at this current time but it always there"

[That right host]


After that I gave up on trying to find out what it was, After that I had so new things I could do the first thing was that thin layer of qi that was on my body i found I could use my qi more profound and refined I could grab and make hands, or things with it like my qi sword but I'm going better slowly.

Next was that my body would only at first take in just the qi from surrounding but now I can take in my opponent's, enemies qi(energy) you use for my self but only from martial arts with qi in it at a bit lower speed then what my body absorbs with the only downside it needs qi in it, used and I can't take anymore then my maximum qi or it stops taking in there qi.

And my clones can't take in my opponents qi and give it to me. Besides that next was after being in here for 3 weeks I been using my void eyes the whole time and got better at using it now using it doesn't give me to much of a headache, And when using I can see up to 5 ahead of my opponents attacks now. 

With it upgrading my martial arts skills. The biggest thing was S̶h̶i̶f̶t̶ F̶o̶r̶m̶!, Shift form not only did it improve my realm it add new stuff with it first was my appearance change my hair reversed it colors my red ends and spot of my hair became the black of my hair and the black became the red of my hair.

As this is the first form of it it doesn't have a full set of armor on it gives me a shoulder armor on one arm with armor on the same side, knee and leg armor on both legs and light weight chest armor chain mall under my clothes. The armor comes with chains that rapped around both my arms that I can freely use,move and control and they can take shape into anything I want.

After testing them out if doesn't run out as long I have qi it infinite regenerates if it breaks or if I remove to use but when it I stop giving it qi it becomes extremely hard to break but it can't change it form any more.

The next thing that came with it was that the chains that on my arms and shoulder,arms can auto block attacks and attacks for me if I so will it, it basically can react to anything that I can't see as long I'm in that form.

My clones can use shift form too but there is weaker in power as they can only use 30% of my strength.

Something else I learned I can do with shift form, Is that I can do a partial transformation with it selecting parts I want to transform. I mainly transform my arms for the chains it does take any Qi unless I'm repairing the chains or re-controlling/connecting to the chains again.

The best part is that I can change how it looks too so that best. But my favorite part of the shift form is the mask it gives me, The mask is mask that covers my mouth and the side that void eyes is on. With the mask on the headache I would get goes away, I can see more with it now I can follow Qi of people even if they disappear in front of me, Gives me a danger sense and a basic read on my opponents Qi,Realm.

I been using shift form every sense I got it and there many things I can do with it, But that for another time. 

"Wait I just noticed something why is everything based off the amount of qi I have"

[That because the Host has more Qi then most geniuses that why] 

" oo so I have more then those stuck up geniuses of prestigious family's hahah, well this is better then having it cost something else to use my martial arts and abilities with"

After that chaos finished his break he was taking and got backed to training this time he work focused on cultivating instead with a couple of clones and let his clones do other stuff.

There was clones playing cards on a table, Clones doing a home course workout, Clones that are continuing to practice martial arts against each other, Clones that working on combos with the martial arts skills.

Little did Chaos know all this training and hard work would help him in the future and he would improve instantly when he leaves out of the sea of consciousness, The next time he comes to the sea of consciousness it be different.

[Ding Ding, Host has did a major achievement, "The one who know what hard work is"]

[Host has trained in the sea of consciousness for 3 weeks without rest,sleep and without giving up. Host has now received 3 rewards]

[First reward: Original copy of a random weapon ticket]

[Second reward: Original select ticket copy of a skill,ability,or martial arts]

[Third reward: Qi redeem(light)]

[Also with the rewards there 2 new missions for Host to do after he leaves the sea of consciousness]

[First mission, Is to train with Qin Lin of the spike bear clan for the remaining time until Host leaves the forest, at least for a month minimum, best the whole time Host doesn't have to be there every day.

Reward: A random one time use item]

[Second mission, Is go to the underworld

Reward: ???]

"Wow that a lot of stuff all at once these tickets seem or is even better then 2 of the 29 rewards I got before"

Back 2 weeks ago when Chaos first checked his items

"The first one is"

[True capture seal x2]

[True capture seal, Can capture,seal any being in the mortal realm with 100% success rate don't matter the realm. If used on a target that is already controlled,lifeless or a ghost,spirit or any other different race different things will be applied.

Controlled: Regain of consciousness, power will be seal to a random realm and stage.

Lifeless: Regain of consciousness, power will be seal to a random realm and stage and will be given a new self,state,personality,and or new skill.

Ghost: Regain of consciousness, power will be seal to a random realm and stage and will be given new martial arts,abilities and power ghosts will also be given the ability to be able to turn human for the price of Qi being used when in human form.

Spirit: Power,ability, strength,martial arts,power will be seal to a random realm and stage.

They will have 100% loyalty towards the Host,Host can increase the loyalty pass 100% up to ??? Depending of the subordinate]

"WOW! that a high grade item right there I'm going to save this for a worse case scenario"

And that did to save it for later would comeback to save Chaos in the future.

"Ok the next one is"

[Myth subordinate summoning]