Technique #36 Big Shots Don’t Slobber

People who are VIPs in their own right don't slobber

over celebrities. When you are chatting with one, don't

compliment her work, simply say how much pleasure or

insight it's given you. If you do single out any one of

the star's accomplishments, make sure it's a recent one,

not a memory that's getting yellow in her scrapbook.

If the queen bee has a drone sitting with her, find a

way to involve him in the conversation.A final celebrity codicil: Suppose you are fortunate enough to

have one at your party. To shine some star light on your party,

don't ask the TV host to "say a few words." Don't ask the singer

138 How to Talk to Anyone

Technique #36

Big Shots Don't Slobber

People who are VIPs in their own right don't slobber

over celebrities. When you are chatting with one, don't

compliment her work, simply say how much pleasure or

insight it's given you. If you do single out any one of

the star's accomplishments, make sure it's a recent one,

not a memory that's getting yellow in her scrapbook.

If the queen bee has a drone sitting with her, find a

way to involve him in the conversation.

to sing a song. What looks effortless to the rest of us because they

seem so comfortable performing is work for them. You wouldn't

ask an accountant guest to look over your books. Or a dentist to

check out your third left molar. Let the dignitary drink. Let the

luminary laugh. Celebrities are people, too, and they like their

time off