How to Get Them to Call You Back

Producers of big Broadway musicals can be brutal during auditions. An anxious wanna-be star, after rehearsing his audition song

for weeks, steps onstage. He opens his mouth to sing. After a few

notes, the heartless producer shouts, "Thank you. NEEEXXXT!"

Dreams of stardom dashed in ten seconds!

Businesspeople's professional dreams can also be dashed in the

first ten seconds of their "audition." Their audition is the message

they leave on someone else's answering machine.

Competent businesspeople wouldn't dream of sending a messy

handwritten business letter to a VIP on cheap yellow-stained paper

and expect a response. They know the recipient would toss it in

the trash. Nevertheless, some of these same folks will leave a lackluster message on a VIP's voice mail and expect a callback. No one

ever told them that big winners scrutinize messages on their voice

mail with the same consideration of a big Broadway producer. If

you sound good, you've got a chance. If you don't, you are fastforwarded out of their life.

Salespeople, suitors, candidates, and competitors who leave

crisp, intelligent, upbeat messages on voice mail get called back.

Losers with lackluster tones and uncrafted messages never hear

from Mr. or Ms. Make It Happen. Make sure your message


How to Get Them to

Call You Back


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Copyright 2003 by Leil Lowndes. Click Here for Terms of Use.

reflects three Cs: Confidence, Clarity, and Credibility. In addition,

make it entice, entertain, or interest the listener. A flat "This is Joe,

call me back" doesn't score with big winners.

Stay Tuned For . . .

Radio DJs use tricks to keep their listeners tuned in. Top salespeople have similar little tricks to entice prospects to call them

back. Here's one called a cliff-hanger. To make sure listeners won't

switch stations during the radio commercial, the broadcaster

throws out a mini-mystery: "And right after the commercial we'll

be back with the winning ticket . . . It could be yours . . . Stay

tuned!" Whenever you leave a voice mail message for anyone, try

to include a cliff-hanger: "Hi, Harry, this is Andrew. I have the

answer to that question you asked me last week." Or "Hi Diane,

this is Betsy. I have some big news about that project we were discussing." Now Harry and Diane have a reason to call Andrew and

Betsy back.

Pitch personality into your message, too. Picture the people

listening to it. Say something to pique their curiosity or make them

smile. The message you leave is your ten-second audition. Make

it good.

How to Get Them to Call You Back 253

Technique #67

Your Ten-Second Audition

While dialing, clear your throat. If an answering

machine picks up, pretend the beep is a big Broadway

producer saying "Nexxxt." Now you're on. This is Your

Ten-Second Audition to prove you are worthy of a

quick callback.

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Incidentally, if someone's voice mail unexpectedly comes on

and you are unprepared, quickly hang up (before the beep so they

don't get a hang-up message.) Take a moment to craft your entertaining, enticing, or interesting message. Rehearse it once with

confidence, clarity, and charisma. Then redial to leave your great

hot message.

A funny thing happens. If your party answers this time, you'll

be disappointed.