
On the dry and cracked ground, he stepped on it without questioning whether it was safe or not. He began to walk forward on the uninhabited ground, leaving his vehicle behind. The sky is dark; it grumbles like a storm cloud when it rains, but this sky doesn't have any clouds. Soon, it released its thunder and hit the big stone beside him. The stone crashed into pieces, yet he walked still like nothing happened. He was already used to the thunder. He doesn't even bother with the dark sky that blocks his vision.

The second thunder was then released from above and then came another one. The ground starts shaking whenever the storm falls to the ground. The more thunder attacks, the bigger the quake it's made. Yet his pose is still the same: walking forward. It's as if it's his daily experience to see storms coming from above trying to kill him.

He stopped, sighed for a moment, and looked up. In front of him, there is a big door with an ancient carving as decoration. The door is made of stone, but it is different from the one he saw on the way. The stone is a dark gray color; it is dark because of the cloudy weather. He felt that he had reached his destination. He began to push the door with his two hands. That door looks like it couldn't be opened with just a hand. Surprisingly, he can lift the door easily. I don't know if the door is already broken or if his hand is just strong.

He came in through the door. Only a few steps from the door before he stopped and looked around. Everything inside has been destroyed and is unused. A disappointed sigh ran from his helmet. He started walking forward again before he noticed a grumble from the door. The big door was closed slowly. A normal guy might hurry to walk out of the door and get out before they get trapped in there, but not to him. He just stood there, watching the door slowly shut down and leave him trapped inside. He whistled at the scene. He shrugged his elbow before he took off his helmet.

"Ahh… Finally, I can breathe."He exhaled relief.

He turned around and began to walk forward. Crossing every damage in that building. That place was dark and deserted. There was no sound there but his footsteps. He turned on his light so he wouldn't be blinded by the dark. As he stepped his foot on the cold, damaged floor, the sound of his footsteps echoed throughout the room. He smirked at the echo and tried to scream.

As the scream came out of his mouth, a big echo ran from the room, and he walked to the next room. He laughed at it. doesn't think about the consequences next. He jumped from one broken pillar to another while humming to his favorite song.

He is dancing and jumping around the pillar to make a good rhyme for his voice. His voice echoes the whole building. Being in this isolated place makes him bored, and he's trying to make it fun.

He grabbed one of the building's ornaments before sliding on the broken floor. He arrived at the big, empty hall. He filled it with his singing voice. When he forgot the lyrics, he began mumbling the tone and only singing the refrain.

In front of the big, empty hall, there's a giant, wrecked door. Not as big as the entrance, but still three times bigger than him. There are many carvings on the door. It was almost like the entrance but with different carvings. It described a man with a big crown above him. He might be known as the ruler of this place. Under him were the queen, generation, knights, servants, and soldiers. But the only face that is easily recognized is the king. The other is torn by cracks. On the other side of the door, there's a big hole. It is as big as a grown man. It is made from the cracks. It makes him easily go through it without pushing it. He stopped singing. The whole room becomes quiet. He gazed at the big door with a smirk on his face. He slipped through the hole and went to the other side.

It's an empty and dark corridor. The corridor is half the size of the big hall. But there is no decoration on the wall or carvings on the floor, yet cracks and plants fill the whole wall, and some of them get to the floor. He grunted and bowed his shoulders. As if things couldn't get any more difficult. He continued his walk through the dark and long corridor.

He looked at his right arm. There is a holographic GPS map coming from his watch. The blue point on the map represents him, and the little green road represents the corridor he walked on. He dragged the map while walking in the dark. The corridor will lead him to the room he wants. But along the way, the map sensed another point on the side of the corridor. He put his serious face on; enemies are waiting for him to block his way. He shut his map and fastened his walk. He prepared the weapons he needed to kill.

He turned on the light in his palm. The light is wide enough to brighten the front. He walked on the cracked floor. He paid attention to the walls. He felt no fear but was rather cautious. He'd done this so many times. He's already prepared for what's coming.

The corridor was twisted, but there was no dead end. This is not a labyrinth, so he was relieved. He would be more confused and annoyed if it were a labyrinth. But what makes him confused is that the corridor is getting smaller and then getting bigger whenever he turns left or right. It's as if the people who built this place are retarded aliens.

Suddenly, the wall's grunting. He turned back and pointed with his light wherever the grunt was coming from. But there's nothing. All he saw was a cracked wall that slightly began to open; that's what worried him. He did not dare turn back again. He kept staring at the cracked wall as if something would appear afterward. But he was wrong.


A loud bang came from behind. It broke the wall into pieces. Then, as the one who broke the wall stood in the dark, it whimpered. He jumped and then looked back. It was a dog with a silver iron helmet stuck in its head. Wait, how come there is a dog in space? And what's with a helmet?

The dog wasn't an ordinary dog. It is twice as big as a hunting dog. Its skin is not covered in fur, but it is covered with blue-colored flesh. There are some pale gray skins attached to it. as if its real skin is slowly peeling and beginning to show the flesh. It stepped forward for him as he walked backward. He realized that the dog was wearing silver armor, and there was a scabbard hanging around his belt. He was surprised and said,

"Are you the guardians?"

Without hesitation, the dog jumped in front of him and took a bite of his right arm. He quickly shoved it, but the dog wouldn't let go. It dug its claws into his ankle, hoping to break his right arm from his body. It tried to pull it away, but it didn't work; the arm stayed still. Rather, his body followed it. The dog became furious; it did it twice, but it wouldn't work. He took this chance to hit the dog's head with a rock. The dog let go; his sleeve was torn.

The dog rose again and attacked him by jumping into him; it intended to bite his face. He pulled out his arms and dropped his aim. He fell to the ground. The dog was beneath him, with his right arm inside its mouth. The dog growled against the bite. It tried to get closer to his face, but his arm held it back. His other arm was holding the dog's shoulder to hamper its movement. The blood from its head dripped into his face. He couldn't hold it; the dog's breath and the unusual dripping blood disgusted him. Not to mention its breath, like a dead body mixed with feces and mint.

He took a chance to move his legs and adjust his leg's position for the attack combo. When it was done, he pushed his arm and legs, then kicked the dog away from him. He's expecting the dog to throw off far, but he's wrong. The dog may have been thrown off, but it was not far from him. As the dog began to rise again, he took out his gun from his pocket and shot the dog in the face.

The dog fell, and he was relieved. He put his gun back in his pocket and turned around. Smiling happily while leaving the dead dog behind.

"You kidding me?"

after several walks, he said. He heard a howl from behind. I turned around and found the dog still alive. but not in a good way. The dog almost died; the howl was a will it had to do before it died. He ignored it and walked away...



A big door stood in front of him. Not like the other door he has seen. This door was perfectly still. No cracks, no holes, no plants—only a big door made of steel with a crystal drawn on it. He was thinking about how to open it. He realized this door needed a key, but he didn't have it. This situation was getting worse; he hated it. He fiddled around his jacket's pocket, but he found nothing. The same goes for his trousers pocket. He has so many pockets in his suit, but why has he never found something that he needs at the moment? He should be more organized. He gave up; maybe it was left in his spaceship. He just needs to find another way. He looked closer to the door. He touched it, and he noticed the door had low-quality steel. He felt so lucky. He got an idea of how to open it.

And by opening it, he means to break it.

He took a step back and let out his right arm again. The right arm with the sleeve torn by an alien dog There's a scratch on the right arm. The scratch should have a lot of blood and colored red or brownish skin. But this right arm is colored silver. The scratch left out a blue, sparkling flesh and white line. Some other scratches left a dark-colored metal, like aluminum that had been clawed. It isn't an ordinary arm. It is a robotic prosthetic arm.

He took out his glove and adjusted the position. He pointed the robotic arm in front of the door. The arm transformed into something cool. It wasn't an arm anymore; it became a canon. He held it with his other hand. As he adjusted the right place to shoot, the cannon shone a light. The light is getting bigger. Then it left the canon and flew towards the door. It hit the door instantly. The light is as hot as the sun; it makes the door melt. The door broke and fell to the ground. It can't stand if it's melted. He blew the smoke into the canon and made it back into an arm again.

He walked toward the room. By this moment, he was astonished. He saw a shiny orb up on the tower. It was being contained in a cage of glass. Glass? That looks pretty easy, though. That's the thing he was looking for—the reason he came to this place. It looks like it was an important orb. The room for the orb was very decorative. There are so many paintings and carvings on the wall. The floor is made of obsidian. And the roof was shaped like a dome; it reflected the shiny orb. The orb was placed on a tower in the front, which is tall and has stairs. The tower must be led to a higher floor, almost near the ground of this buried castle. To his knowledge about this abandoned place, there must be someone who guarded this room and the orb. He knows it from the carving gate from before. But what is this orb? Is it their sacred gem?

He doesn't care, actually; he cares about how much he could have when he sells it.

As he began to walk toward the tower stairs, a loud grumble was heard from behind. He became cautious. He took his gun out and turned on the beam on his palm. From the dark corridor, he could see a bunch of animals with four legs running towards the room. Even if there were so many, they didn't step on each other. When they got closer to the entrance, he was shocked. Those animals are the alien dog's troops. They were sent by the leader to kill the intruder.

They entered the room and began to surround it. making him lose his chance to run away. He climbed through the tower's stairs. The dogs started to take the stairs and follow him. He turned back and took a shot from behind. Twice, the first shot wasn't in luck, but the third shot hit the dog in the front. The fourth shot hit the dog behind it. He started to run fast and made it to the top; the dogs were lost behind him. He approached the glass and broke it with his robotic arm, as he suspected it would be easy. Taking the orb was easy too; he thought there would be more traps just to get the orb.

The dogs ran fast; he was still on top. The floor under him was surrounded by many dogs; don't forget the dogs that were catching after him. He was confused and panicked. He looked above the dome roof. He put out his robotic arm and scanned the roof. What a coincidence! He didn't realize he was already on the ground. He took this golden chance to escape by calling his ship to come. It took only 3 or 5 minutes for the ship to come over. Yet the dogs were already on top of him.

He pulled out his gun and started shooting all the alien dog's troops. He put the orb in his jacket pocket and continued with the fight. All the dogs were furious as hell. They even attacked in many directions. He had to focus on the dogs in front of him, and the dog attacked from behind him. He used his beam and slayed the dog above him. He attacked the dogs while stepping back and climbing on the orb's castle. The dogs already surround him in a circle. He had no escape now. He just had to wait. He put on his helmet again to prevent breathless air from reaching the ground.

The roof dome had collapsed. It shocks him and the dogs. They were looking up and saw a big, medium-sized spaceship above them. The underdoor opened. He's relieved. The spaceship lent him a rope to cling to. He clung to the rope, which was being pulled by the ship. Say goodbye to the dogs before going up to his ship. Every alien dog in there was afraid. They were afraid they would be attacked by the giant spaceship. But one dog wouldn't give up. It bit his sleeve jacket and pulled him down. He got pulled back to the orb's room. As he looked down at the one who bit him, he realized that was the dog that he had killed the first time. How is he still alive? He tried to shove the dog's bite from his arm.

"You fool"

"Oh my, you can talk."

"Do you know how important that orb is to us?"

"It's your source of life?"

"IT IS OUR GIFT FROM GOD! It keeps us alive."

"I knew it," he answered with a casual face.

"I swear, I will remember your face. I will remember your name. I will find you dead or alive. You don't want to mess with the guardian of"

He had enough wisdom-chit chat. He finally kicked the dog. Then he flew to the spaceship. The dog barked and climbed as high as it could to reach him. but it would never work; he's already far from the ground. All the dogs were barking and climbed to the base ground. It's like they beg him to give them back the orb.

"If you want to remember me, my name's Halley. Try to find me after your death."

Then he got into his spaceship. The dog leader who was talking froze to death. The other dog troops running around trying to climb to the top. They were still chasing after Halley, who stole their orb. But the leader knows their death will come, and no chance could save them. That's why it just stood there with a pale face.

Halley relieved himself and took off his jacket as he arrived at his ship. He took off his helmet and shoes. He did not forget to take off his guns and other weapons. He scanned the orb on his computer. He changed his adventure shirt into a casual shirt, then put the old one in the ship laundry. Halley's casual clothes are only a thin T-shirt and his grey colored shorts. He sat on the chair while waiting for the scan to be complete.

The Lyrisa Orb Owned by Lyricia Planet. The orb belongs to their king, or as they called it, 'god', Pento. He treasured the orb and told his citizens to worship the orb for him. saying that the orb keeps them alive. However, chaos happened 30 years ago. A war declaration from Edbo … (*shutting video)

Halley sighs at the story of the orb. He checked the prize of the orb in many places. He's looking for the place that offers the most money for that orb. Such a collector from any place would buy things like this and hang them as a collection. He found one place on planet Boldembi, and a collector wanted to buy it for the price of 5000 Antz. Antz is a currency used on many planets, like the dollar. Halley felt lucky. He set a direction for Boldembi immediately.

As the ship was on the way to Boldembi, Halley looked out of his window. The view of space is often dark. But if he passed by a planet or a galaxy, it would become the most beautiful scene he had ever seen. It's been 5 years since he started traveling the whole galaxy. What more adventures will he have?