Chapter 100


  The door to Dylan's office was half-open when I walked over.

  “Tighten our security around the border, Bert. Make sure that the epsilons and deltas stay vigilant. We can't give Lucy and Ravi a chance to escape from Lord Hills; otherwise, we can hardly track them down.” With that, Dylan ended his call. He then looked over his shoulder after noticing my presence.

  I swung the door open and walked in. “Still no news?”

  “No. No one has reported seeing Lucy or the pickup.” Dylan sighed.

  “Any news from the hospitals?”

  He shook his head again with a frustrated smile, his eyes crawling up to mine. “Bert found blood stains in the comfort room at the gasoline station. Lucy must be bleeding. If she doesn't get herself to hospital, she'll lose her pup.”

  “Lucy would rather lose her pup than get caught and imprisoned once again. I know her.” I nodded at Dylan's guess.