Chapter 110


  "Our mate will be all right. She's with Nuu-Chah. We'll wait and see if she'd come to us tonight."

  I had to admit that I felt more upset than dreadful although Cherry didn't make it last night. And I'd never felt so sure that Cherry would come back to me soon.

  So all I needed to do now was to bury myself in the pack stuff and wait for her return patiently.

  With this belief in mind, I went to freshen up, because a long day filled with duties as the Alpha of the pack was waiting for me ahead.

  “Morning!” Bert greeted me as I strode into the office. "Cherry likes the renovation?"

  "No." I replied simply and went on to snatch the papers from his hand.

  "No way! She couldn't be so particular—" Obviously, Bert was waiting for Cherry's flattering words on his idea.

  "Cherry didn't come last night.” I further explained the situation calmly. "But she will be back soon. I'm pretty sure about that."