Chapter Twenty-two


  “You have my husband then I’ll take care of Amy, what do you think?” Marie asks with that angelic smile of hers.

  “Ma-wi!” Fear slowly resides as soon as she sees her and she runs, passing by Seth, and give her legs a hug.

  I glare at her and my hands clench. At first, I wanted to give her a piece of my mind, yelling at her for the stunt that nearly got me killed!

  But I can’t say it, not now…Seth is set in stone that Marie is too honest to her core and Amy…she has a strong liking for her.

  And that pisses me off the most!

  Marie crouches down a bit to be on Amy’s eye level as she asks, “Do you mind if I take over Amala for tonight, Amy? She’s a bit tired and I don’t mind staying away to be with you.”

  Amy quickly turns to me as her eyes fill with excitement. "Can Ma-wi stay here tonight, pweez?" Amy begs as she is very eager to be with her after their first meeting.

  A pang strikes my heart once again when my position as her favorite is at stake.