Chapter 4 The Alpha of Bostabaca

  Elaine opened her eyes and sat up with a jerk. She patted her face, trying to clear her head, and then hurriedly got out of the car.

  The next second, Elaine was stunned by the majestic and gorgeous old castle in front of her!

  It was a magnificent ancient castle, with the ultimate luxury. Elaine couldn't help but feel that she was in a royal palace. However, it was only an illusion. The silver moonlight enveloped this mysterious castle, shining on the wolf totems on the wall, which undisguisedly flooded with a cold and piercing feeling.

  "Is this Sanctum Manor?" Elaine inquired incredulously. She thought it was just a small villa or something!

  "Yes, Miss Morgan, now let's go inside now. Mr. Holmes has been waiting for you for a long time!"

  Elaine nodded so well that she trotted to follow Duke, and just the moment they got close to the castle, the gate opened automatically and the warm lights lit up the whole castle.


  As Elaine just stepped into the castle, the heavy door behind her slammed shut with a bang, which scared her a lot.

  Elaine patted her chest to try to calm down. She looked around curiously. Several girls dressed as maids passed in front of them with cutlery and stopped in their tracks when they saw Duke. They bent down respectfully toward Duke.

  "Mr. Marsh."

  Duke nodded indifferently and then walked upstairs without looking back.

  "Is this the one Mr. Holmes has chosen? Seriously? A human?"

  "Yeah, I really don't understand why Mr. Holmes would choose this lowly human?"

  "Oh my, look at her eyes! They're purple!"



  Elaine heard those maids talking about herself, and only at this moment did Elaine realize that it seemed not as simple as she thought.

  She was just about to turn her head and inquire further when she heard Duke cough softly, who was now standing by the stairs with a frown and looking a little impatient.

  "Hurry up, Mr. Holmes doesn't like it when people are late."

  Elaine nodded and then followed him up quickly with her hand on the handrail.

  Elaine followed Duke through a long aisle. There were several mottled paintings hanging on the walls on either side, and the people in the paintings were all formally dressed and solemn, full of majesty.

  Were they the former leaders of the Holmes family?

  Elaine pondered in her heart and almost bumped into Duke, who had just stopped walking.

  At this moment, Duke tensed his body and stood straight. Elaine noticed that his body was even slightly trembling.

  "Mr. Holmes, Miss Morgan has arrived," Duke said respectfully.

  Elaine then noticed the large door with a relief carving of a wolf's head in front of her, emitting a frigid atmosphere in the moonlight through the window.

  "Come in."

  A deep and mellow voice came from the room. Duke then gently pushed the door open and made a gesture of invitation.

  Elaine felt her heartbeat quicken as the door opened. She took a deep breath and then slowly walked in.

  The room was bigger than Elaine had imagined, with two burning candlesticks on a wide table.

  An upright figure stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window. The moonlight poured in through the window and fell on his silver hair. In a slender black trench coat, the man looked solemnly into the distance, with an awe-inspiring aura of kingly dominance.

  The man slowly turned around. He was handsome and strong, and very masculine, with a devilish charm.

  His blue eyes shone coldly as bright as stars under his bushy eyebrows. He stood right beside the window with an aura radiating off of him that reeked of authority.

  This was him—the Alpha of Bostabaca!

  Elaine was totally shocked, because the werewolf in front of her was no one else but the one who had shown up in her room that night!

  But he seemed that he didn't know her at all, which made Elaine wonder if what happened that night was a just a dream.

  The giant, gorgeous man looked at Elaine and walked toward her.

  Elaine had never seen such a movement—graceful and swift, faster than anyone she had ever encountered.

  So fast that, in the blink of an eye, he was at her side.

  The faint scent of musk emanating from his body surrounded Elaine. The earthly aroma reminded her of the forest on a rainy day. It was cold but almost psychedelic, just like him.

  Elaine couldn't help but lower her head, but even so, Eliane still could feel that scrutinizing gaze Sherman had left on her.

  "Look up," Sherman commanded.

  His voice was deep, very deep. It struck Elaine and sent shivers through her whole body. Pausing for a moment, Elaine slowly raised her head and looked at the man in front of her.

  At the same time, Sherman's hand had already stretched toward Elaine's face. His fingers were long, neither bulky nor too slim—just perfect, and full of power.

  Within a second, his hand clamped down on Eliane's chin, with his strong and hot fingers, pressing hard—forcing Elaine's head up, which reminded Elaine of his soft touches in her dream.

  Elaine could feel her face flush, and she was grateful that her long, loose hair was still half covering her face.

  "Look at me," Sherman commanded again.

  With slight hesitation, Elaine lifted her purple eyes to look at him.

  She didn't dare refuse—no one dared to disobey the order of an Alpha.

  Sherman bent down, as his piercing blue eyes locked onto Elaine, like a falcon honing in on its prey. Elaine looked straight into his eyes. She felt like his deep eyes could see her soul. Elaine should have been very scared right now, but she didn't know why. She sensed a trace of sadness in the depth of his eyes, which made her subconsciously want to get closer to him.

  Elaine heard her heart thump dully but more quickly. She was so confused right now that she couldn’t figure out what the hell was going on.

  "Is he the Alpha of Bostabaca? Is this why he said before that they would soon meet again?" Eliane thought.

  Elaine felt her body stiffened, as if she had been enchanted in some way. She was lost in his gaze. All the fear and anxiety faded away—only the pure blue in his eyes was real.

  A trace of doubt showed in Sherman's eyes. He didn't know why the woman in front of him was not afraid of himself.

  Then, as if he was sure of something, he let go of Elaine's face, and took a step back before turning around and walking away.

  As he pulled back, the scent of his musk left Elaine and pulled her back from her thoughts.

  "What is going on with my parents, they told me that I should come over here first for a temporary stay, but..."

  The man in front of him looked extraordinarily dangerous. Elaine really didn't know why her parents arranged for her to live here. Elaine still had the courage to ask a question.

  "Is that how your parents explained to you? It seems you are completely unaware of what's going on."

  Sherman gave a light laugh, a laugh that made the moonlight outside the window lose some of its color.

  Seeing Elaine standing frozen in place. He whispered, "Didn't your father tell you?"

  His voice was soothing, almost gentle. However, it might sound gentle, but ...... Elaine's instincts told her he wasn't happy.

  "Tell me what?" Elaine asked hesitantly, unsure if she wanted to hear what he had to say.

  Something in the back of her mind told her something was wrong.

  At this point, Elaine didn't even think that what Sherman said next would take away her last hopes and dreams.

  He replied, "You're not here for a temporary stay; rather, the only job you're here for is to have a baby."

  Elaine's body and emotions froze the moment she heard Sherman's words.

  Sherman stared at Elaine, his fingers brushing the hair from Elaine's cheeks, exposing her entire face to him.

  "You will be a breeder... My breeder."