Chapter 6 Do Not Touch Me

  Elaine retreated to the room Duke had prepared for her, lying on the bed with wide eyes, staring at the ceiling as she replayed the events of the day, feeling as though it were all a dream.

  Before, she had a loving family and a fiancé she adored, but overnight her parents had gone missing and her fiancé had left her.

  To make matters worse, she had been sold by her parents to Sherman and was now to be used as a breeder.

  The feeling of humiliation washed over her once again and Elaine's tears flowed uncontrollably.

  As her tears wet her pillow, she was just about to drift off to sleep when she heard steady footsteps outside her door.

  As they grew louder, Elaine's heart began to race, knowing that the only person who would dare to walk around at such a late hour would be the owner of the castle - Sherman Holmes.

  The man who took everything from her was now standing at the door of her room. Elaine clenched her teeth, eyes dead on the door.

  Elaine held her breath as the door slowly creaked open, and a fragrance filled the room. It was faint and soft, like the bright moonlight filtering through the forest, releasing the scent of flowers.

  Elaine subconsciously closed her eyes, but the smell had wrapped around her roughly and there was an indefinable sentiment spreading in her heart.

  Elaine's body tensed as she saw a pair of well-made leather shoes standing in front of her, and the owner of those shoes staring back at her.

  The sound of insects outside the window was dying out at this moment, and Elaine heard her heartbeat getting heavier and heavier.

  "What are you doing here?"

  Elaine's voice trembled as she forced herself to speak, her body trembling with fear. Despite her efforts to remain composed, her tone betrayed her panic.

  "To fulfill the contract."

  Sherman stated, his tone unadulterated.

  "The contract?" Elaine's heart shook as shattered memories came rushing back to her in her mind.

  Elaine had thought her first night would be spent in a cozy wooden house by the coast, with a rosy red bed, a faint musky scent permeating the entire house, purple incense lit on both sides of the room, and the faint sound of waves and the joyful shouts of fishermen who had been fishing all night.

  This was the most exciting little fun she could imagine, the man lying on top of her was her beloved fiancé. His fingers moved across her skin gently, and his eyes were gentle, his warm lips kissed her fair skin, more careful.

  He would hug her passionately, trying to show his strength as a man, and finally when he had given her everything, he would bury his face in her chest, like a docile cat, promising to love her forever.

  This image every time Elaine thought of would make her blush and excited. She thought, even if it wasn't as perfect as she imagined, like the bed didn't have to be so soft, and the sea breeze didn't have to be so gentle, even her beloved could be a little rough, she would still be the happiest woman as long as it was him.

  Elaine remembered Sherman's wide, strong pair of hands that once ripped open her nightgown and parted her legs.

  His ragged panting near her ear sounded like a hungry wolf feeding. Sherman pressed against her body like he was manipulating a silent prey, following animal instincts, wild and powerful.

  Now, Sherman once again standing before her and was going to do the same thing again, Elaine's anger surged, and even if it meant her death, she refused to submit to him.

  "Look at me," Sherman commanded as he stood in front of Elaine's bed. He traced the line of her jaw with his finger. his fingers soft yet strong as he slowly lifted her chin.

  Sherman's tone was cold, leaving no room for doubt, and then he stood up. Before Elaine could react, Sherman took off his jacket.

  "Do Not Touch Me!"

  Elaine yelled out, trying with all her strength to thwart Sherman's advances, even though she knew the consequences of rejecting the man who held her life in his hands.

  Sherman's body trembled with excitement as he met someone who dared to reject him for the first time, and he couldn't help but raise his right hand. Elaine tensed her body and squeezed her eyes shut, bracing for the impending blow.

  But it never came. Instead, she felt the warmth of his fingers gently stroking her face, tucking her messy hair behind her ear. Elaine opened her eyes and looked up to see the handsome man in front of her gazing at her gently. Bath in his gentle gaze, a warmth slowly rose in her heart, like the warm sunlight caressing her flesh and tickling her heart when she was lying on the beach in the sun.

  While Elaine was spellbound, Sherman suddenly seized her by the neck, and then with a cold smile on his face, his other hand roughly ripped open Elaine's pajamas.

  She was totally exposed in front of him!

  Elaine's chest revealed a large expanse of snow-white skin. The mesmerizing curves made Sherman's breathing increase slowly.

  Elaine struggled, even arched her foot and kicked Sherman, but her struggle was like a tickle to him.

  Sherman grabbed Elaine's legs and threw her on the bed roughly. Then he pressed his entire body against hers. Elaine felt like she was being caught by a wild beast, and Sherman’s hot hand ran over her body and burned every inch of her skin, stroking her without mercy.

  Sherman was breathing heavily, and his body was now unclothed.

  He leaned over Elaine's body, and one hand went around her back and pressed hard. With a gasp, the two of them were pressed even closer together.

  "Ah!" The familiar pain hit Elaine and she immediately came to her senses. The beast in front of her wanted to repeat the last devastation. Elaine hissed reluctantly and slapped her hands hard against Sherman's smooth spine, but what she did just made Sherman more excited. Without the slightest heed, Sherman bowed his waist, bursting out a low and crazy roar from his throat again. His eyes turned red, burning with desire.

  "I said no!" Elaine yelled and pushed Sherman, who was on top of her, with both hands.

  Sherman smiled, full of interest and excitement. Only prey dared to struggle would give him the desire to conquer. The next second, his eyes instantly changed, and his body unconsciously tightened. A huge shock wave from Elaine's body made him uncontrollably backward and then sat on his buttocks on the floor.

  Sherman recoiled in disbelief. His gaze fixed on the delicate woman before him. Elaine sat on the bed, and her hands still outstretched as if in the act of pushing something away. Her eyes emitted an eerie purple glow, with her hair floating back without a breeze.

  Her expression was grim, and her fierce eyes locked onto Sherman in fear.

  Sherman slowly stood up, clenched his fists, and walked towards Elaine. But as he approached the bed, a powerful force swept towards him again, and he was compelled to retreat a few steps.

  He paused, a playful smile creeping onto his face. This feeling of danger was strangely exhilarating, and he hadn't experienced it in so long. He stood there in contemplation, trying to understand what was happening with the woman in front of him.

  As Sherman pondered, Elaine suddenly fainted on the bed. The dangerous aura emanating from her body dissipated, as if it had never existed. She curled up, resembling a tired kitten with a frown on the messy bed.

  Sherman stared at her beautiful face, smiling mysteriously.