The party took place in a lavishly gilded hall within a castle whose grandeur surpassed anything Elaine had ever laid eyes on.
Despite believing she had an understanding of the castle's construction, each subsequent encounter revealed unexpected details that left her in awe.
A group of tuxedo-clad musicians infused the air with jazz music in the hall's center, while young women, glasses of champagne in hand, watched them with wide-eyed admiration.
As guests came and went, Elaine followed Duke with great care, taking glimpses through the slits in his clothes.
Cheryl's observation proved true; most of the women in attendance wore attire more revealing than Elaine's dress.
However, upon her entrance to the party, most men ceased their activities and gazed directly at Elaine, only to avert their eyes suddenly, as if realizing their rudeness. Yet, their attention inevitably returned to Elaine's stunning appearance.