Chapter 59 Don't You Dare Utter Her Name

  Sherman sat in the room where Elaine used to reside, positioned in front of the floating window.

  Every so often, he would gaze out, taking in the tranquil world that remained asleep.

  The air grew cooler with the approaching dawn, and the sky in the east slowly turned white.

  The nearby vendors gradually began to make their presence known with their distant cries, signifying the start of another normal morning-one Elaine had experienced before.

  At Sherman's feet lay a pink stuffed animal, reminding him of the time Elaine had sat with it in her arms, waiting patiently for his return.

  However, more often than not, she was left waiting in vain. Sherman realized that he had likely neglected Elaine's feelings, causing a sharp pain in his heart.

  It had been three long days since Elaine's disappearance, and despite his best efforts, Sherman had found no trace of her.