The stack of papers on Sherman's desk seemed to be multiplying as he stared at them. Most of the time he was thinking about the war, but sometimes he was thinking about other things.
Elaine, the child, and her letter...
His thoughts were interrupted by a knock.
Duke then came in.
"Hey, what's up?" he asked.
"Have you found anything yet?" his voice was a bit tense.
Ever since Duke told Sherman the truth about Elaine, they haven't really spoken. Sherman was angry with Duke, but he knew he really needed to think about his own behavior in this whole situation.
"No, not yet. I'm still trying to piece together all the clues," Sherman said coldly, looking back at the papers and pretending to be too busy to look up at Duke.
Duke approached Sherman quietly. He cleared his throat and stood in front of the desk.
"What is it?" Sherman asked, hoping it wasn't another work-related issue.