Chapter 4

  I could feel the temperature around Sean drop several degrees.

  Gerardo immediately interrupted, "You must be tired after the long trip. Kaylie had prepared some coffee and cookies for you. Why don't we sit down and continue our conversation?"

  Gerardo tried to change the topic. I glanced at Sean secretly. I could tell from his expression that he was not going to let it go.

  "No need. We have discussed everything over the phone."

  Then, Sean gave a sigh to one of the men behind him.

  The man walked directly toward Rangel. I thought Rangel was already very strong. But obviously, compared to that man, Rangel was like a kid. The man grabbed Rangel's collar and punched him in the face. He didn't stop but continued punching Rangel.

  I could hear Rangel's scream at the beginning. But his voice became lower and lower. I was freaking out and couldn't help trembling.

  "Stop, please. He learned a lesson already. He did. I swear!" Kaylie knelt on the ground and begged Sean crazily. But Sean didn't even bother to look at her.

  "The leg." That was the only thing he said.

  "No!" Kaylie shouted. She wanted to stop that strong man, but she was too afraid to get close. Gerardo also wanted to say something, but when he saw Sean's expression, he flinched. He just went to pull Kaylie aside silently.

  There was a sound of bone cracking along with Rangel's heartrending cry.

  Seeing the blood spreading on the floor, I couldn't even move a finger.

  What kind of pack was he from? Rangel just contradicted him, and he let someone break Rangel's leg. Did they always do that to the people who were disrespectful to them? The fear that I had never experienced before surged in my body. The thought of asking him not to take me away or I escaped completely disappeared. "Miss Cora is the Alpha of Mercado's property now, no one can talk about her like that," the Beta said in a cold voice.

  I was stunned. What? He broke Rangel's leg because of me? I was confused, wondering if I should feel happy or not. On one hand, he punished Rangel for me. On the other hand, he said that I was already the Alpha of Mercado's property. I couldn’t imagine what kind of life I was going to live.

  When I was thinking, Kaylie squealed and rushed to me. She raised her hand and tried to beat me. "It's your fault. I want to kill you."

  Sean took a step and stood in front of me. Kaylie couldn't get close to me, but she didn't stop shouting. "It was your fault. You slut! People around you always get hurt because of you."

  I was shocked by her words and didn't know how to retort.

  Sean didn't say anything but looked at Gerardo.

  Gerardo grabbed Kaylie's arm and slapped her in the face. "Shut up. You stupid woman."

  Kaylie was more shocked than I was. She covered her face with her hand and said in disbelief, "What? He's your son. Gerardo, do something..."

  "Enough!" Gerardo raised his voice to interrupt her. "Take him to the hospital. Don't make me repeat it."

  Kaylie's face turned red and then paled. She didn't look at Gerardo or say anything. She turned to look after Rangel. Before she turned around, she gave me a malicious glance. I knew that she had blamed all these on me. She wanted to kill me if she had a chance.

  "I'm sorry, Mr. Beasley. Please forgive my wife. She has spoiled her son."

  "Cora," then he shouted. I shivered as he called my name. I still couldn't accept what had just happened. Sean, Rangel, and Kaylie. Everything happened so fast.

  And Gerardo. How could he adopt his attitude so quickly, like Rangel and Kaylie had nothing to do with him?

  "As you can see, she is beautiful and obedient. We took good care of her after her parents died. She has the blood of an Alpha. I'm sad seeing her leave. But this is also what she wants."

  Gerardo was lying. I clenched my hands.

  "Good. We need to leave now. As soon as Alpha sees her, you can get the money."

  "What?" Gerardo was dissatisfied. "I thought I could get the money when you come to pick her up."

  Sean seemed to be annoyed. He stared at Gerardo and frowned.

  I saw Gerardo shrink cowardly. I had never seen him like that.

  "You want to negotiate with Alpha again?" Sean asked without emotion.

  "No, of course not. There must be a misunderstanding. I know Alpha always keeps his word. But it's important to me. Her parents asked me to look after her."

  "Gerardo, let me remind you. She's Alpha Pedro's property now. She will never come back. She belongs to our pack, no matter whether she lives or dies."

  I looked at Sean with my eyes widened. His words were like the hammer on the auction, and with a bang, my fate was decided.

  Gerardo hesitated for a second. Soon, he smiled again and nodded. "Okay."