Chapter 14

  I didn't have class in the morning, so I could spend more time in bed. The quilt still had Pedro's smell. I wanted to be surrounded by his smell longer and wrapped the quilt around me.

  Finally, I had to get up. My mood was good.

  Tianna was setting brunch for me when I walked out of the bedroom.

  "Good morning, Tianna." My voice was still a bit hoarse.

  Tianna turned around. She looked at me in surprise.

  "Is there anything on my face?" Tianna's reaction was strange, so I asked.

  Tianna turned away her gaze and said in a stilted voice, "Nothing. You looked so pretty today."

  "Thank you." I was happy hearing that and didn't ask anymore.

  I went to school after finishing the meal.

  Bentley was talking to several students not far away.

  "Bentley," I shouted to him.