First Day As A Student

I want to go to the dorm now," Olive said with a heavy sigh, grabbing her travelling bag once again and walking down the school hallway.

Mark continued to talk throughout their journey until they finally reached the door of a room with dorm number five written boldly and hung high above the door.

"Here we are. The scholarship students' first dorm. Being able to survive here depends on you as you must avoid getting the red card from the 3RM," said Mark, his gaze fixed on the door, although his words were directed at Olive, who already had a confused expression on her face.

"3RM? What the heck is that again?" she asked, her eyes burning with curiosity.

"The three rich Masters of Belmont High School. George Lucas, the school successor, Mark Williamsburg, the young master of the world's biggest billionaire family, and Aiden Thompson, the young master of a wealthy family that deals with cars," explained Mark, further widening Olive's eyes in surprise. "Those three are the rich kids that you mustn't mess with, and as I said, you must avoid getting the red card from them at all costs, or your life would be a living hell."

"This school is really interesting. 3RM sounds more like The three rich brats. Must they trample on others just because their parents are rich?" Olive suddenly yelled, startling Mark. "I hate those rich brats the most. I just want to break their bones and teach them some good lessons which their parents refused to teach them," she added, her fists tightly clenched together, making Mark swallow hard.

"I guess you aren't that fragile after all. You look like a fierce lion when angry," said Mark, with an outburst of laughter which soon turned into a serious expression. "Just avoid Lucas George, the leader among them at all costs. Crushing their bones, how ridiculous!" he added with a disdainful expression.

"I'm not even in for making troubles. Just want to study," replied Olive with a smile. She soon brought out the room key from her pocket and inserted it into the doorknob, which opened with one twist.

Olive proceeded by stepping inside the room, her suitcase dragging behind her, with Mark following her in.

The room was painted in ocean blue color. It had two neatly spread beds located on the right and left-hand side of the room. There were two wardrobes allocated to both students, two study tables with an Apple laptop neatly placed on one of them, along with different writing materials, exercise books, and textbooks.

One of the beds was already taken by Lucas George, Olive's mysterious roommate, as suitcases, a guitar, and a piano were present, indicating that the individual was a lover of music.

"Woah!" exclaimed Olive as she continued to scan through the room, her eyes lit up in excitement. She soon rushed to the second bed and sat down on it. "With all these available, students are really enjoying life here. No boredom whatsoever," she said as she began operating the laptop.

"Yeah! Anyways, you should unpack your suitcase and arrange everything that needs to be arranged before nightfall," suggested Mark as he knelt down to Olive's suitcase, about to open it, only to be stopped by Olive who collected it away from him in an instant.

"Don't worry. You've helped me enough. I'll unpack my things myself," said Olive, swallowing hard, her head bowed, unable to look at Mark's dejected face.

"I thought I could just help since I'm less busy. But it's okay. Let me leave you alone then. We'll see each other in class tomorrow," said Mark with a smile and soon stepped out of the room, shutting the door behind him.

Olive let out a relieved sigh the moment Mark stepped out and quickly rushed to the door to lock it with the key. She soon began unpacking her luggage, arranging everything neatly inside the wardrobe. By the time she was done, she was too tired to even take a shower and just slept off.

The next day arrived swiftly with the sun rising slowly over the horizon, painting the sky in shades of pink and orange. The world seemed to hold its breath, as if it too was captivated by the beauty of the dawn. The air was cool and crisp, and a soft breeze whispered through the trees. Birdsong filled the air, as if to welcome the new day. And in the distance, the sounds of the city were just beginning to stir, as if it was only now waking from its slumber. For a moment, everything seemed perfect and still.


Ding! Ding! Ding!

"Time for the students to get ready for school. Students should please move towards the bathroom to have their bath. Any lateness would result in punishment," the loud electronic voice resounded throughout the entire school, waking Olive from sleep.

"What the heck is this?" Olive murmured to herself with sleepy eyes. She soon checked her phone and realized the time was 4:30 am.

The electronic voice continued to announce, making Olive boil with anger. "Well, it's the first day. I only have to follow instructions. There must be a reason why all students have to wake up this early."

Still dressed in her yesterday's outfit, she grabbed her towel, brush, toothpaste, soap, and sponge and made her way out of the dorm, following other students to locate the bathroom.


A loud yell escaped Olive's mouth the moment she stepped into the big bathroom. She was greeted by the sight of different guys walking naked in the bathroom hallway.

"What the heck! Do you have a death wish, newbie?" yelled one of the students with black short hair, anger evident in his voice as he glared angrily at Olive, who covered her eyes with her towel.

"Sorry! I've never bathed with so many people in the same bathroom. That's the reason for my expression," said Olive, swallowing hard.

"Get used to it from now on then. All students of Belmont High School bathe and eat together," replied the black-haired guy as he moved closer to Olive, snatched her towels and other bathing tools from her. "Why the heck do you keep on covering your face?"

"Nothing," replied Olive, looking at the ceiling, trying not to make eye contact with the naked guys.

"Just leave the newbie alone, Austin," a voice called. It was another hot guy with braided brown hair. "Let's have some fun before we leave for class," he added, and his words were obeyed immediately as the black-haired guy, known as Austin, left Olive and walked up to the brown braided-haired guy.

"Oh yes, fuck me, baby!"

A loud moan of pleasure resounded through the bathroom hallway, prompting Olive to look at what was happening. Austin was getting an anal fuck by the brown braided-haired guy.

"Damn! Apart from bullying, there's gay too " Olive thought to herself, shocked by the scene unfolding before her.