A Kiss That Changed Everything.

As the night sky darkened, filled with stars twinkling like diamonds, Olive sat by the window, finding solace in the celestial beauty. The wind howled outside, causing the trees to creak and sway, their leaves rustling softly. The air was heavy with the scent of impending rain.

"Oh darn it! I'm so tired!" Lucas exclaimed, bursting into the dorm room, his voice echoing off the walls.

Olive who has been waiting for Lucas arrival eyes narrowed as soon as her gaze fell on him, her anger simmering. "You can't be tired yet. What about the debate competition?" she asked, her voice firm. "You said we practice it in the night."

Lucas flopped onto his bed, his exhaustion evident. "It's been decided that you speak for the motion, and I speak against it," he replied, his tone matter-of-fact.

Olive's voice rose, her frustration palpable. "But—" she began, only to be interrupted by Lucas.

"No 'buts,' please. I'll work on my part, and you work on yours. Besides, I want to sleep early to wake up early," he said, his tone firm.

Olive's eyes flashed with anger, her voice laced with sarcasm. "How do we get to see each other outside of school? You can come over to my house though," she said, her words dripping with irony.

Lucas's laughter boomed, his eyes sparkling with mirth. "Come over to your house?! You must be kidding me!" he exclaimed, his voice filled with amusement.

"Yes? What's so funny about that." Olive asked, raising her eyebrows at Lucas.

"I don't...." Lucas started to say before Olive interrupted him.

"I don't visit the poor people's house. Isn't that what you want to say?" Olive asked, her body tense.

"Exactly! You shouldn't have suggested it when you knew that was what I was going to say." Lucas replied.

"I've already asked you to stop bringing up my family background every time we talk. You could just say you're not interested in coming over!" Olive said, her voice filled with anger as she glared at Lucas.

"Can we not start now!" Lucas asked, clearly getting irritated by the argument.

"You started it first, Lucas." Olive said as she moved closer to Luca's bed. "You're always like..." she was cut off as Lucas pulled her onto his bed, pinning her down.

The room fell into an awkward silence, the only sound being the heavy rain outside and Olive's racing heart.

"What the heck?!" Olive asked, her voice barely above a whisper, her eyes locked with Lucas who was lying on top of her.

"Are you going to keep talking or you keep shut? Lucas asked with a smirk on his face.

"Of course..." Olive started to say before being interrupted by a sudden kiss from Lucas.

Time seemed to stand still as Olive's mind went blank, allowing Lucas to continue kissing her gently.

Coming back to her senses, she quickly pushed Lucas away, causing him to stumble and fall to the floor.

"What was that all about?!" Olive demanded, her anger evident as she stood up from the bed and glared at Lucas. "You're gay."

"I'm not!" Lucas protested. " I've told you that severally."

"Then why did you kiss me?" Olive questioned, her eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"Nothing! It just happened. Lucas replied as he got off the floor and walked up to his bed, laying down with a blanket covering his body.

"What do you mean it just happened? I deserve an answer, so don't you even try to sleep because that was my first kiss and you just took it like that," Olive yelled as she stormed forward and removed the blanket off Lucas' body.

"Your first kiss. Shouldn't you be grateful to me then? The Belmont heir actually gave you your first kiss," Lucas replied as he sat up on the bed, with a seductive look on his face.

"It's like you've gone completely crazy now. I'm not gay, and I don't need a guy to kiss me. Besides, you kissing me is the worst because how can someone like you steal my first kiss. Return it!" Olive yelled, her body tensed up with anger and frustration.

"Here! Lucas said, pointing to his lips. "Kiss me back, and your first kiss would be returned."

"You..." Olive yelled, about to pounce on Lucas, only to be stopped midway.

"So, you just had your first kiss. That means you're still a virgin too, right? Do you want me to take that too?" Lucas asked, his expression seductive as he gazed at Olive.

"You're such a crazy jerk. You've been gay all this time and always pretended not to be." Olive said as she stormed to her bed.

"I'm not gay. I only kissed you earlier to shut you up. Your drama is giving me a headache. I regret kissing you now. We both regret it." Lucas said with a smile, which only fueled Olive's anger.

"You're so annoying." Olive yelled, her eyes red with anger, veins visible on her forehead, her fists clenched as she glared at Lucas, who appeared unfazed.

"Let's go to bed and continue our discussion tomorrow. Plus, we'll have more time to practice for the debate competition during our vacation without any other school activities getting in the way. Lucas said with a smile that clearly annoyed Olive. He then settled into his bed, covered himself with a blanket, faced the wall, and turned his back to Olive.

He is so annoying! How dare he steal my first kiss?! Olive thought to herself, still glaring at Lucas even though he had his back to her.

She then laid down on her bed, covered herself with a blanket, faced the wall, and turned her back to Lucas.

Meanwhile, Lucas was wrestling with his own thoughts. The image of the kiss kept replaying in his mind. Olive's lips felt like honey, a sensation he had never experienced before.

He gave himself a mental shake, reminding himself that Olive was a boy.

"I'm not attracted to boys, and I never will be." Lucas whispered to himself. " Why did I kiss him thoug? He looks even more attractive when he's angry."

Lucas mentally scolded himself again, reminding himself that Olive was a boy and he shouldn't be having those thoughts.

"It was a mistake, like I said. I'm not gay. I just wanted to shut him up, and I did." Lucas muttered to himself, a grin spreading across his face. He closed his eyes, waiting for sleep to claim him.