Chapter 5: Teaching a Lesson to the Freeloader

Huh, seeing the message from Qiao Kexin, Wenyan couldn't help but let out a cold laugh.

That Qiao Kexin really is constantly trying to stir up strife between her and the true heir.

Too bad she's not the original anymore, and won't be seeking death like that again.

Moving her fingers, Wenyan lazily replied to Qiao Kexin with a message.

'Don't want to go'

Qiao Kexin was desperate after receiving such an indifferent four words in response to her lengthy message.

She immediately called.

"Hello, Yanyan, what's been up with you these past two days? Maybe we should still meet up, I have a lot I want to tell you."


The audition results wouldn't be out for another ten days, and Wenyan didn't have any other plans for the moment. She decided to take this opportunity to properly meet up with Qiao Kexin and get all the money owed to the original back from this shameless woman.

"Then let's meet up at the spa we usually go to. I remember my membership card is still with you, so bring the card with you."

Qiao Kexin always freeloaded off the original in the past, even 'borrowing' away the original's membership card last time.

Hearing Wenyan's proposal now, Qiao Kexin had no suspicions whatsoever.

"Okay, Yanyan, then let's meet at two o'clock. Let's go for a full-body SPA first, then have dinner together and stroll around the mall. You don't have any objections to this plan, do you?"

"Of course not."

Not only did Wenyan have no objections, but she had even arrived at the spa half an hour early.

As a VVIP client here, the original was always treated well, and Wenyan received no less upon arrival.

While experiencing the superpower of money, Wenyan didn't forget to tell the client manager about her plans for later.

At two o'clock, Qiao Kexin arrived at the spa on time and was quickly led to the private room where Wenyan was.

"Yanyan, when did you get here? Why didn't you send me a message when you arrived?"

Wenyan was flipping through a magazine and immediately looked up at Qiao Kexin's voice.

"Oh, I just got here too. Kexin, come over and see what treatments we should do today."

Qiao Kexin, seeing that Wenyan was as enthusiastic as before, immediately sat down next to her.

She took the tablet from the attendant manager's hand and skillfully slid to a certain page.

"Let's stick with the same aristocrat package, but I heard that the Snail Original Liquid is really popular recently, how about we try that today?"

"Sure!" Wenyan smiled at Qiao Kexin, "Your eye for things is so good, picking out the most expensive item in an instant."

Qiao Kexin, being an old free-loader, felt not the slightest bit embarrassed by Wenyan's words.

"You get what you pay for, right? The expensive stuff is better. Would you dare to put the cheap stuff on your face?"

"That's true. Then, should we take a couple of bottles of the Snail Original Liquid essence back with us later? After all, we don't have the time to come here every day."

"Sure!" Qiao Kexin readily agreed, after all, it wasn't her money being spent, so she didn't mind at all.

"How many bottles are you planning to take back, Yanyan?"

"Two might be good, just take a bit back to try. How about you?"

"Then I'll take two as well, just like you."

"Great. Oh, you brought the membership card, didn't you? Give it back to me."

"Now?" Qiao Kexin glanced at the manager nearby, feeling a little discomfort for her own face.

She hurriedly dismissed the manager, saying, "You can go prepare for us first, we don't need you here."

The manager knew who the real patron was, and just Qiao Kexin's word wasn't enough, she still needed to consult the actual owner.

"What about Miss Shen, do you have any other requests?"

"No need for now."

"All right, the cosmetologists will be here soon, please wait a moment."

As soon as the attendant manager left, Qiao Kexin brought up the matter of the membership card.

"Yanyan, do you need to use the membership card recently?"

"Yes," Wenyan said, looking at Qiao Kexin with an ironic smile, "It was originally my card, wasn't it? I didn't say you wouldn't have to return it when I lent it to you."

This time, Wenyan's words were quite blunt, and Qiao Kexin's face changed color upon hearing them.

"Yanyan, have you been in a bad mood these days? Is it because of Shen Zhirou, or someone else from the Shen Family? Tell me about it, so I can give you some advice."

She's going to give advice... Wenyan was hardly blessed with such a luxury.

"Let's talk later. I'm here to enjoy myself today, and I don't want to bring up the annoying matters from home."

While saying this, Wenyan stretched out a hand towards Qiao Kexin: "The card."

It was the third time Wenyan had asked for the card, and even if Qiao Kexin had thick skin, she couldn't pretend to freeload any longer.

She was reluctant, but still found the VVIP membership card and returned it to Wenyan.

Shortly after, the beautician pushed a trolley in. Qiao Kexin wanted to ask something else, but Wenyan simply closed her eyes and didn't utter another word.

The entire SPA took two hours, and Wenyan was later woken up by the attendance manager Wenrou's gentle voice.

When she got up, Qiao Kexin had already gone to the changing room to get dressed.

Looking at the tightly closed door, Wenyan smiled and handed the membership card to the attendance manager.

"By the way, this time, please charge only for me, don't get it wrong."

The attendance manager offered a professional smile: "Please rest assured, Miss Shen, we will definitely not make a mistake."

Wenyan soon changed her clothes as well and enthusiastically discussed the SPA's effects with Qiao Kexin, laughing and talking all the way; they seemed to have a very good relationship.

Passing the reception hall, the previous attendance manager was already waiting there.

She was holding two exquisite little paper bags.

"Miss Shen, this is the two bottles of serum you asked for, and here is your card. Would you like to have the card placed in the bag or...?"

"Just put it in the bag, thank you."

"Not at all, please take care. Thank you for visiting, and we look forward to welcoming you back."

Wenyan nodded, smiled, and reached out to take the paper bag.

The manager then handed another paper bag to Qiao Kexin.

"Miss Qiao, this is yours."

Qiao Kexin uttered a sound of acknowledgment, grabbed the paper bag, and took off.

She didn't feel anything was amiss until she reached the door.

Just as she was about to leave, the attendance manager suddenly caught up.

"Miss Qiao, you haven't paid for this visit."

"???... What?"

Qiao Kexin's face looked as if she had been struck by lightning.

She turned to Wenyan beside her, full of shock. Had Wenyan really not paid for her?

Wenyan acted even more surprised than her: "What's the matter, Kexin? Didn't you say you would renew the membership right away when you borrowed the card from me? How come you still haven't paid after all this time?"

In the middle of such a high-end venue, the sight of Qiao Kexin's face turning red and then pale was quite a spectacle.

It took her quite a while to find her voice again: "Oh, right, it's been so long I had forgotten."

Wenyan also uttered an 'oh,' and said, smiling, "Then you should go renew it now. I'll sit here on the couch and wait for you for a bit."

"By the way, Manager Zhou, we've always been regular customers here. You must introduce a good package to Kexin."

This was something Wenyan had arranged with Manager Zhou in advance, and understanding the cue, the manager immediately made a 'please' gesture to Qiao Kexin.

"Miss Qiao, please come this way, let me give you a detailed introduction."

The beauty salon did have great services, but the prices were exorbitantly high.

However, to save face, Qiao Kexin had no choice but to follow Manager Zhou to the front desk.