Chapter 11: He Wouldn't Harbour a Grudge, Would He?

Wenyan chose to join the crew of "Lost Voice" not merely because the director was looking for new actors.

As a transmigrator into this book's world, Wenyan knew very well that this film would sweep awards until there were none left after its release.

If she remembered correctly, this film emerged as a dark horse at that year's film festival, scooping up eight major awards in one fell swoop.

It only missed out on the Best Actress award because the crown went to the protagonist of the original story.

Strictly speaking, there wasn't actually a lead actress role in "Lost Voice", and as for what the other awards were, Wenyan wasn't too clear, after all, the original book didn't list them out in detail.

But whatever the awards were, the film was definitely a hit.

Wenyan had long decided that she would make every effort, as long as she could take part, any role would do.

Looking again at the audition time and place in the email, Wenyan was so excited she lost all desire to sleep.

She spent the entire night searching for information related to "Lost Voice".

Although she didn't collect much useful information in the end, Wenyan had gleaned the general direction.

The film mainly tells the story of a passionate young lawyer who braves difficulties and dangers, as well as risks to his own safety, to fight cases for the deaf and mute, upholding justice.

However, Wenyan had no way of knowing which specific cases would be featured in the film. But one thing she was sure of was that it must be a story of the struggles of the underclass.

With this direction in mind, Wenyan immediately started her homework, determined to pass the audition in five days.

She watched a large number of documentaries about the deaf and mute and even took several sign language classes.

In the sign language classes, she met a variety of classmates whose families were mostly not well-off; they included men and women of all ages who learned sign language to communicate more easily with the deaf and mute members of their families.

After class, Wenyan usually went to a dessert shop to buy some sweet treats.

Because these days she had been staying in her own apartment and had not returned to the Shen Family villa.

Su Yang often called her to come back, but she didn't want to disturb their family of three, so she simply sent some pastries to Su Yang's studio.

Su Yang was very caring and protective of Wenyan; beautiful clothes and jewelry sent by partners, she always let Wenyan pick some she liked to take, and became upset if Wenyan refused.

If it wasn't for Wenyan's strong objections, Su Yang would have accompanied her to the crew's audition.

The day of the audition arrived quickly.

Considering the film's subject matter, Wenyan chose a relatively simple style of dress, white short-sleeve shirt paired with light blue jeans.

With makeup, relying on her young and healthy skin, she was quite bold and just applied a bit of nude lipstick.

For her hairstyle, she opted for a low ponytail, which was versatile and clearly showcased her facial features.

The audition time notified by the crew was two-thirty in the afternoon.

To avoid any delay, Wenyan made a point of arriving an hour early.

The scene was much busier than she had anticipated.

Director Zhou Junye of "Lost Voice" was a new director with his debut work having been nominated for several awards, but ultimately he did not win any.

Wenyan thought there wouldn't be many people attending the audition, but the scene could be aptly described as packed to the brim.

But the director's selection process was also very quick, with groups of eight, each group taking less than ten minutes on average to come out of the room.

The people coming out mostly looked a bit downcast, but there were also some who were visibly excited.

Among them, two girls were friends with another girl still waiting by Wenyan's side, and they gathered to chat.

"How did it go, Jinghe, were you selected?"

"No, I was cut as soon as I started reading the lines."

"So why are you still so happy?"

"Yeah, because I saw Shen Jinghe! That's Shen Jinghe, you know. If he weren't a judge now, I'd really want to ask him for an autograph. In person, he is a hundred times more handsome than on TV and in photos!"

"Shen Jinghe? Are you sure you didn't see wrong? How could he be a judge?"

That was a question Wenyan also wanted to ask.

Shen Jinghe was the second young master of the Shen Family. The original work mentioned the Shen Family because of Shen Jinghe, a top, popular star in the entertainment circle, who had a past emotional entanglement with the female protagonist in the book.

But why would he be a judge on the crew of "Lost Voice"? Could it be that he was going to play the male lead in "Lost Voice"?

However, in Wenyan's memory, the actor who stood on stage with the original book's heroine to receive the best actress award was not Shen Jinghe.

Wenyan couldn't remember who it was, but she was certain it wasn't Shen Jinghe.

Could it be that her transmigration had already caused some plot changes?

While she was wondering, someone suddenly called her name, along with the names of seven other girls.

Wenyan did not delay and immediately lined up with the other girls to enter the room.

The room was very empty; besides the four tables and chairs against the wall with four people seated, there was only a camera left.

Wenyan quickly glanced around and spotted the young man seated on the far right at first glance.

Due to the cramped tables and chairs on the scene, his long legs with nowhere to rest were particularly striking.

He was wearing a black baseball cap and, although he was looking down and his face wasn't clear, Wenyan recognized him at once as Shen Jinghe.

The good news was, even an indistinct silhouette of him looked so handsome; it would definitely be a feast for the eyes, and seeing him every day after joining the crew would be a delightful thing.

But the bad news was! Wenyan discovered that in the most recent memories of her original body, there was him—the night she transmigrated, at Su Yang's birthday dinner.

Even worse, it was not a pleasant experience!

Their conversation from that night echoed in her ears...

'Wenyan, I'm warning you, drop those little schemes of yours. Don't upset my mom by fighting for things that were never meant for you.'

'Your mom? She's my mom too, don't forget that. You're just my brother in name, and I'm also a Shen!'

'Ha, then keep deluding yourself. Just remember what I said, if my mom gets upset because of your actions, I will definitely not let you off.'

'Just you? An actor?'

'I may be an actor, but what about you? What are you without the Shen Family? You are nothing but a—'

'Ah!! Enough, I'm not listening, I'm not listening! Don't you dare bring up my background! Don't you dare!'


"Come on, let's start from this side. Everyone introduce yourself briefly; there's not much time for you."

The voice of the director's assistant on the scene pulled Wenyan out of her chaotic memories.

Wenyan checked and was relieved to see that it would finally be her turn. Now she had time to adjust her emotions.

But judging from the original body's memories, Shen Jinghe obviously disliked her original self, and her original self viewed his profession with great disdain.

And here she was, trying to get into that very profession, with the judge being none other than the man whom her original self had looked down upon.

Would he let her pass?

He wouldn't take personal revenge, would he?