Chapter 46: Simple and Violent Clarification

That evening, Shen Jinghe posted a clarification statement on social media.

His statement was simple and blunt:

"No seduction, no car sex, no overnight stays alone as singles, no scheme against us, got stranded due to a natural disaster. Please do not believe or spread rumors, do not harm innocent people and the film crew. Our original intention is to produce a good movie. Thank you all for your concern! @Wenyan @Director Zhou Junye @The Film 'Silent'"

As soon as Shen Jinghe's clarification post was released, it immediately topped the trending search with the entry #ShenJingheClarification.

The comments, likes, shares, and views for his post broke a million within minutes and continued to skyrocket.

"Knew it, brother wouldn't collapse the building, who was it just now saying brother wouldn't dare to clarify? Face-slapped, right?"

"Worthy of the man I fancy, his clarification is straightforward, denying clearly the things he hasn't done."