Chapter 126: No Need to Follow, Just Let Her Go (4000 words)

Wenyan, lying on the hospital bed, immediately reached out to grab Shen Jingchuan as soon as he stood up.

This bad temper, when agitated, doesn't even recognize his own family.

At the same time, Shen Jinghe turned his gaze toward Wenyan.

He started to explain, "At first, when you asked me about Hou Wenbin, I didn't know someone was impersonating him. I only knew that he and his company did exist. If I had known earlier that someone was using his identity to meet you, I definitely would not have just watched you walk into a trap."

Wenyan immediately typed a response that converted to voice:

'I know, at first I didn't notice anything wrong with him either, until I was tricked. That bastard's acting skills are too good; even when he talked about the project, he seemed completely authentic, not like an outsider at all. So, Second Brother, you don't need to feel guilty.'