Chapter 133 Love Is Always Feeling Indebted

This situation... even though Wenyan had already come to a conclusion in her heart, she couldn't help but ask the veteran police officer beside her.

"Uncle, can I ask about what happened to number 4? All these injuries on him must be new, they look pretty fresh."

"You can say that," the old police officer sipped his tea, "It took a hell of an effort to catch this guy. Thanks to some enthusiastic locals who lent a hand, we ended up with him like this."

Wenyan: To call the extent of these injuries 'a little help'? I bet those good Samaritans had some personal vendetta against this bastard.

Wenyan took another look at the bastard, pointing at him and saying, "Number 4, that's him. The man who pretended to be a producer, lured me there, and drugged me that night, it's definitely him."

"Are you sure? His eyes are so swollen."