Chapter 158: Feeling It Won't Last Long

"And tomorrow we'll bring the tools over and just process the body here,"

"Wait to process it until tomorrow?" Yin Haoyu glanced at Qin Yan, his face clearly dissatisfied, "We've already missed two meals, why wait until tomorrow when we have food now? Are you unwilling to exert the effort to haul it back?"

"......." Qin Yan offered a helpless yet polite smile, "No, you misunderstood me, but can you calm down and let me explain, okay? It's really not easy to come across such a large animal carcass.

"It's very beneficial for our survival in the days to come, but such large animals have a lot of blood, and after all, this is the wilderness. We're hungry, and all the carnivorous animals in the forest are hungry too. If we drag it back to camp for butchering, I'm worried the scent of blood will attract other wild beasts.