Chapter 163 She Didn't Know Her True Feelings Were Exposed (Part 3)

Before bed, Jiang Wanwan signaled Wenyan to mute her microphone.

"Do you want me to create an opportunity for you and Shen Jinghe in the woods tomorrow?" she asked Wenyan.

Wenyan was about to decline, but after thinking it over, she changed her mind, as she did have a few words she wanted to say to Shen Jinghe alone.

However, she genuinely considered Jiang Wanwan a friend, and deceiving a friend was not her style.

"Wanwan, it's not really as you think, but right now, it's not convenient to explain on the show. I'll explain it to you after filming ends, okay?"

"There's a story behind this?" Since Wenyan mentioned she would explain after the show, Jiang Wanwan did not press further, "Then I'll wait until after the recording."

"Alright, I'll treat you to something delicious then. By the way, I actually want to gossip a bit too. Do you currently have someone you're dating or someone you like?"