167, you mustn't have anything happen to you.


Wenyan stood there dumbfounded, swallowing reflexively.

"He actually managed to poison himself eating mushrooms?"

She almost thought she was in Yunnan.

Upon hearing this, Shen Jinghe glanced at Wenyan and shook off Shen Jingchuan's hand that was once again grabbing his ear.

He looked utterly disheartened, "You should be thankful he roasted these mushrooms himself. If he had put them in the pot to cook, it wouldn't just be him seeing Toad Demons right now."

Jiang Wanwan silently looked at Shen Jinghe, "You can tell he's your real brother."

Bullet-screen comments: '!!!!!!!!!!!! Holy crap, this is such a shocking twist, it blew my mind for a century'

'Sorry I want to laugh, but damn, it's explosive'

'Hahahaha, he got poisoned by mushrooms, can it get any funnier?'

'Mushroom poisoning funny level +100, revealing big secrets while poisoned funny level +100000000'