I want to go see him.

The person didn't catch on at first, "...What?"

Lin Wu repeated coldly, and the person hastily found and handed it over with both hands. Because of the nervousness, it almost fell to the ground, but luckily Lin Wu caught it just in time.

Lin Wu thought for a moment, dialed a number she was not very familiar with, and put the phone to her ear.

What she heard was a long ring, and Lin Wu's feelings became increasingly irritable, tinged with an ominous air.

In fact, it didn't take long for the other party to pick up, but to Lin Wu, it felt as long as a century.

"Who is this?" It was Bo Yuting's voice.

Lin Wu closed her eyes for a moment, then immediately asked, "Where is the Bo Family's arranged plane for Yuting to go to the R Continent medical organization, what time does it take off, and how long until they arrive there?"