Chapter 14-15 – Seed of Immorality

What is really in the high-level reward ? Although I said that it would definitely be SR grade or higher!

After screaming loudly without realizing it, I calmed down the tension that had soared to the point where it seemed to pierce the sky.

First of all, it was a very useful card in one way or another, and it was clear that it was a good card. Although there is a time limit, one year is honestly not enough.

It was not a card to use against Gayoung, though. I don't want to lower the likeability of Gayoung toward me.

There was a type of card that had to be used against my enemy.

For instance, when I make someone who is haughty, conceited, or who simply despises me for no apparent reason submit to me.

It was a good card to use at such times.

"Huh… Let's calm down. I'll carry on this energy and pick up trash for more points."

With high hopes, I'll now draw ten cards in a row.

And the 10 newly acquired cards were shown to me, which were.

[N:: Likeability] x 4 [N:: sexual desire] X 3

[R: Voyeurism]

[You can take a look at the targets for which the search has been completed. It can be used once a day for 5 minutes.]

[SR: The whole body is a stimulant]

[Active Card: For 'females' whose information the user has searched for, sexual sensitivity increases when the user's body touches them. When having sex with a virgin, she will not feel any pain.]

[You can turn it on or off in user information.]

[SR: Seed of Immorality]

The target feels sexual immorality toward the user. It progresses gradually from the time the card is applied, and the results vary depending on the user's affinity and sexual desire level.

[Available only for search targets who have a lover.]

[The target and lover must have an affinity rating of 70 or higher for each other.]


I thought as soon as I saw the cards that were drawn. I had a great connection with it. The entire day of cleaning was worthwhile.

There were only three cards rated R or higher, but each one was a gem. Moreover, the affinity and sexual desire cards were cards that could be used at any time.

The new sexual desire card was exactly the same type as the affinity card. The upper and lower limits were each 90, and the values fluctuated in increments of 10.

The rare card, Voyeurism, was good but a bit disappointing. That it only happens once a day. That's 5 minutes too. Still, it was good.

Regretfully, the stimulant card for SR was only made available at this time. If I had gained it earlier, I would have fucked my new girlfriend that day— in her mouth, her pussy—had I come out before having sex with Seol.


And the seed of immorality that came out at the end.

"Ha, but it's a shame that I'm using this on Gayoung."

It was a good card. However, this too was a waste to use for Gayoung. For some reason, when looking at Gayoung noona, it wasn't a card that felt like it could be pinpointed.

Because my older sister was already sexless, a married woman in her 30s was burning with sexual desire.

Let me think about it some more first. I'm going to volunteer work tomorrow too, so I'll pick that up.


"That's right, voyeurism!"

It's a little early, but I have to leave early tomorrow too, so I was thinking of taking a shower and going to sleep, but then I remembered the voyeurism card I just got.

I immediately picked up my smartphone and used the voyeurism card on Gayoung. Then, as if watching a video, Gayoung's older sister began to appear as if he were looking down from above.


Having a late dinner with Yunho.

[Do you know that kid Seonha is super nice? I saw him pick up trash and clean the park yesterday]

-[Okay? Hey, I guess that's just everyday life.]

[The kid seems really nice~ Next time I see him, I want to prepare him some side dishes, is that okay?]

-[Do that. There are many days when I'm late or unable to come anyway, so there's always a little bit left over.]

[Hehe, I will. I hope he likes them.]



I turned it on with the thought that it would be nice to see Gayoung taking a bath, but I was receiving unexpected compliments.

I always pick up trash wherever I go just to earn points, but I never thought my older sister Noona would be watching. Nice.

There were about 2 more minutes left, but I watched it until that point and just finished. Since Gayoung's older sister wasn't naked, there was no reason for me to be listening to the couple's conversation.

After washing my body, I sent a reply to Seol, who had sent me dozens of messages while I wasn't seeing her for a while, and then went to bed.


I went to the daycare center early the next day, Sunday. Jihoon and his friend will come after lunch, and because I was greedy for points, I got ready as soon as I woke up and left right away.

And my mission today is to take care of Minwoo, who is a third-grade intellectually disabled child among the children staying here.

Originally, this wasn't a job that would have been left to volunteers like me, but today the staff member had work to do and two of them had to take a day off at the same time, so they say they are short on hands. Also, I tend to have some free time.

Of course, I don't have the confidence to take care of a child that is worse than this, but at this level, you really just need to pay attention.

"Hey! You have to stick a straw in it!"

"Are you drinking from it?"

"Yes! Plug it here!"

"Minwoo, give it a try. Then her brother will follow suit."

"You have to plug it in here!"

"Hyung, can you plug it in?"


"My brother is also good at plugging in. Check it out."

Basically, it is a battle of patience. You have to listen carefully, and when you ask someone to do something, you have to try it several times.

The most important thing is not to get angry.

Since they often react delicately to the mood of the person they are facing, if they make a mistake, they will receive a huge shout.

Minwoo was abandoned by his parents due to his intellectual disability and came here.

Of course, there was no particular inspiration. I just thought it was too bad. It was no different from other kids. I didn't feel needlessly 'pathetic'.

The level of disability is not that severe, so if you continue to provide detailed care in the future, you will be able to live a normal life.

The director was sorry again today, but for me, taking care of Minwoo made me feel more comfortable because I only had to focus on him.

So, Minwoo and I were spending time together, drinking drinks, playing with blocks, and cleaning up the mess at the table where the tray was overturned.

"As expected, Lee Seonha. A model volunteer."

"Are you here?"

Jihoon arrived. I left Minwoo with the daycare teacher and stood up for a moment.

"What about friends?"

"Wait a moment to go to the bathroom. The staff member showed me around earlier, so I arrived about 10 minutes ago, and the two of us were impressed by the way you were taking care of him."

"I'm just playing with the kids, so what's the point? Where are they? Let's stop by the director and get started right away. The kids are all about to eat."

"Yes. Ah, there he is. Siyeon!"

After sitting next to Minwoo for a while as if I were nailed to the ground, I relaxed my stiff body and looked at the place where Jihoon had shouted.

To be honest, when he said that he was calling a friend, I thought I would just call a boy I knew. But Kim Jihoon shattered my expectations beautifully.

As I saw the young girl slowly walking from afar, I looked at Kim Jihoon with eyes filled with suspicion.

"Is this your friend? Are you sure?"

"Actually, we're not friends."

"Then what is it? Girlfriend??"


"No WAY!!!"

"It's true..hehe.... We are classmates from high school, and we decided to date a few days ago."

"No, how did you meet her? So, did you come here because your girlfriend asked you to do volunteer work? Look at how impure you are."

"Isn't it important to do it anyway?"

"That's recognition."

As I was talking with Jihoon with my eyes fixed in that direction, a girl with long, black hair approached us at a trotting pace.

Her height was taller than I expected, so I wondered if she was about 5cm taller than me, and unlike her calm-looking hairstyle, her bright smiling face was proof of her bright personality.

In addition, the slender body type that matched his tall height made her attractive.

Her legs are so tall.

After a moment, she came running to us and said hello to me.

"Hello! Are you Seonha Lee? I've heard a lot about you."

"Hello. I only heard you were a friend, but I didn't know you were your girlfriend."

"What? Didn't you tell me? You two are close?"

"I was going to tell you today. We started dating the day before yesterday, so how can I tell you already?"

"Ahahaha! That's right! By the way, I'm Yoon Siyeon. Please take care of me."

Although the tension wasn't as high as Seol's, I really liked her easy-going personality, which made those around her feel good. He was the type that seemed like it would be fun to hang out with him because he would liven up the mood.

"Did you hear what you are doing today?"

"Huh! Playing with the babies? I wanted to do some volunteer work, but I kept putting it off because I didn't have much time."

"If you look for volunteer work, aren't there a ton of them? Or, if you ask your university about volunteer work, they'll tell you dozens of things."

"Yeah, that's right, but Jihoon told me about you before. Among his friends, there's a crazy kid who has done thousands of hours of volunteer work."

"Hey, aren't thousands of hours really a piece of cake?"

"If you count everything you've done, wouldn't you be pretty close to 2,000 hours?"

"2,000… Is it possible to spend around 2,000 hours in your age?"

"Cook, cluck, anyway; that's why Jihoon brought it up because she wanted to help her friend. Not only that, but it also hurts my face."

I felt like I knew what she was thinking. She did some volunteer work and said hello to her boyfriend's close friend, using that as an excuse to go on a date. Isn't it?

The first time Kim Ji-hoon brought up volunteer work was on Monday, and since they started dating the day before yesterday, he might have just wanted to do it.

"Well, anyway, welcome back. The staff is off today, so there aren't enough hands to look after the young children."

"I'm glad it seems to be helpful. And I saw you taking care of that little boy earlier, and you were really, really attentive! I was surprised when I saw it."

"I was just playing with the kids. That's okay; follow me. The kids' meal time is over, so we have to move slowly."

"Okay! Let's go, Jihoon."

"I don't know if I can take good care of the kids."

"Don't show off in front of others. They react sensitively to things like that."

"I'll try."

"Best of luck~"

We met the director together along the way, and each took hold of the children and began caring for them.

The younger children were put to sleep, and play time for the older children began. Since it was Sunday, the kids played all day without learning.

Si-yeon Yoon was still happily hanging out with her kids as she showed her seemingly lively personality, and Ji-hoon Kim was dragged around and took refuge next to me for a moment, looking like he was going to die before even two hours had passed.

"The kids' physical strength is really amazing. Wow… They're working out pretty well, but I can't keep up."

"Even if I do 3-500, I won't be able to catch up."

I asked Jihoon while watching Minwoo study his drawings.

"Hey, how did you date her?"

"Are you surprised because your sister-in-law is pretty?"

"Yes...I was so surprised."

"It's surprising. I'm surprised, too. Um, I was in the same class as her in my first year of high school, right?"


"Our personalities fit so well that we hung out a lot. Even after graduating from high school and going to college, I thought it would be more difficult to have a personality like that that didn't match, but I didn't bother to confess her ."

"Wait a minute, engineering and college? It's rather strange that she doesn't have a boyfriend. How did you manage to get along with her?"

"Hey, what the fuck... How did it happen? Actually, me and her have been dating since we were in our first year of high school, but it wasn't like we were dating."

"Oh, you were having an open relationship?"

"Uh. But it seems like we're dating, and no matter how much I think about it, there's no way a girl like Yoon Si-yeon likes me. Do you know what this feels like?"

"I think I know it well, so keep going."

"So, I was having fun in that strange state. Even though I liked her, I never showed it. I was afraid that if I confessed to her for no reason, I might get dumped and we would become distant."

"That sounds plausible."

"But she hasn't had a boyfriend. Ever since high school. Until this year."

"So you crashed into it?"

"No. I didn't ask her right away, but the day before yesterday, while eating, we talked about volunteer work and asked her more seriously. Why aren't you dating a boyfriend?"


"So we started dating."

"Crazy, it turns out it was a two-way relationship?"

"That's it."

"Honestly, how do you expect her to like me?" Jihoon smiled, saying. But I thought it was possible.

That's not to say he was my best friend in college. Kim Ji-hoon takes care of his grades well, has an easy-going personality, so he's quite fun, and his face isn't too harsh, but he's pretty decent.

Of course, compared to that girl, he may be inferior, but we have known each other since high school, so there was nothing that couldn't be done.

"You said we'd have a drink after; did you mean to talk about this?"

"Oh. But I'm all screwed up now."

"I'm sorry. I told you I couldn't eat together because I had work to do."

"That's why I told you. Don't be upset later."

"I'm sorry. Did you make much progress?"

"You started dating the day before yesterday, so how has progress progressed? You guys haven't even held hands yet."

As classmates in the same university and same department.

As a friend who made college life a little more enjoyable.

I was blessed with Jihoon's love life.

And I was thankful.

"Ha… I've had enough rest, so I'm going to work again."

"Good work. I have to look after Minwoo here."

"What are you doing while playing on your phone?"

Looking at Jihoon's back as he walks away.

Looking at Yoon Si-yeon playing house with the girls.

I was happy. BUT..

Name: Jihoon Kim

Age: 21

Number of sexes: 0

Likeability: 78

Sexual desire: 41

Applicable cards:

Name: Yoon Si-yeon 

Age: 21

Number of sexes: 0

Likeability: 73

Sexual desire: 38

Applicable cards: [SR: Seed of Immorality] [R: Chastity before marriage]

One more thing that makes me happy.