Chapter 3

After Isaac arrived in the United States of America, he decided to go to the place where Nikola Tesla died and spent the last moments of his life, the New Yorker Hotel in New York City. When he got there, his friend Rodgers, who worked at the hotel there, was waiting for him. When he arrived, Isaac greeted him and told him: Rod, how are you, my friend? I haven't seen you since Hamburg University in Germany 🇩🇪 Rodgers said to him: The days go by quickly, Isaac, and we are growing up quickly. Well, tell me, what brought you to the New Yorker Hotel? Isaac said to him: I want to know all the information about Nikola Tesla's life here in this hotel. Rodgers said to him: Nikola Tesla! I'd heard his story here at this hotel for years, but I didn't understand it. Isaac said to him: This is why I want to know why FBI agents were here at the hotel when Tesla was spending the last days of his life. I'm sure they were planning something against him and I won't rest until I get to the full truth. Rodgers said to him: Be careful, my friend, because the FBI is one of the most dangerous organizations here in America, and as long as they are doing something, no one may tell them what, how, or why, so I advise you not to do what is on your mind now and go there. . Isaac said to him: Even if this costs me my life, I will do everything in my power to reach the truth. Isaac then bid farewell to his friend Rodgers and decided to go stay in a house next to the Federal Office in order to plan how he would get there and try to obtain Tesla's blueprints saved there.