The Men's Facility

"Shut the hell up!" Emma's roommate commanded in his powerful voice.

Emma immediately shut up. 

He stared at her for a little while, looking her up and down with great interest. Even though he looked at her and sincerely freaked her out, she knew he would not touch her. There was something about his gaze that lacked that lustful sensation that she had felt a lot in the few dates she went on. Instead, this roommate of hers with four pairs of abs gave her this bossy, demeaning, 'you-are-beneath-me' vibes.

His next words were proof that her assumptions were right. 

"I am your new master." He said loud and clear.

It took her a mighty long time to process what this man just said. Her brain just refused decipher the words she had just heard.

She had expected something like that from him, but when he did, she had goosebumps.

She eventually came around.

"What?" She unconsciously asked.

He smiled at her. A toothy grin filled with an untold story and a maddened look in his eyes.

Her brain finally rebooted. The realization hit her like a wave.

F**k! She nearly said aloud. She had been transported to an asylum.

The man saw the realization and fear in her eyes. It was hilarious to him. He threw his head back and laughed out loud. His laugh was so powerful, that the walls and her bed shook from it. Then, he suddenly stopped.

"Where is it?" He asked.

Emma blinked. She wanted to ask him, 'where is what?', but was afraid of what her crazy roommate would do to her if he got mad.

'But what if keeping quiet gets him mad instead?' she thought and was trying to come up with a suitable solution that would save her from death.

Perhaps if she could hold on for a little longer till the warden found out. She definitely had to tell them that she was totally sane and that there must have been a mistake in bringing her to this public, men-only facility for mentally and socially inadequate people.

Her roommate was not patient enough for her to finish coming up with a plan. He had only waited for about five seconds, but to him, it might as well have been two years.

He raised his voice and asked again. This time his voice was angry, and sharper, and deeper and carried a certain threat with it. 

"Do you or do you not have it?"

Timid, confused and scared, Emma asked, "Have what?"

He opened his mouth and closed. His countenance suddenly changed. As if dosed on some depressants, he suddenly looked sad and downtrodden. His powerful, raised shoulders drooped. His demeaning eyes lost focus for about a minute. His eyes seemed o be looking at her even though they were no more looking at her. As if he were looking at a corpse, or she was the one looking at a zombie. Whichever it was, Emma could not stop shaking. Everything about out her roommate scared her nearly to death.

The oppressive pressure he subconsciously gave out and Emma bore the full brunt of, quite quickly subsided, giving Emma the chance to finally have a quick think.

And of all the things she could ask herself, the first thing she thought about was

'What is this 'it' that makes him act insane, excited, angry and sad? He is acting like someone under the influence. Like a toddler on coffee overdose.'

Her eyes slightly widened.

'Or was it a form of hard drug that he thought I had helped him smuggle into the facility? Did he think I'm a new supp"ier or something?' She looked at his face as he stood before her, shirtless and lost in thoughts. 'Won't I be playing with death if I risked so much just to get a supply to a client?'

She looked at him thoughtfully as he turned around and slowly walked to his bed. She looked at his muscular back and wondered how much of a gym freak he must be.

He groaned as he fell forward on his bed, landing on his face. His entire body occupied the bed except for one leg that remained outside the bed range, the toes barely touching the floor.

'But then, what kind of power did it take to get a woman into the same prison cell as a man, and as a prisoner? Would it not have been better if I camo-ed as a fake warden instead?'

She watched her cellmate's back rising and falling from his deep, powerful breathing. It was the only sign of movement that she saw from him, until she fell asleep God-knows-how-many-hours later. The last thing she thought about as she fell asleep was,

'What will happen now?'

That question haunted her so much, that it was a mighty great surprise how she managed to fall asleep in the first place. And even then, it continued to haunt her even in her dreams.

The very next morning, all the inmates were woken up by classical music- if it could even be called that. It played only once for two minutes after which the doors to the prisons opened. Immediately it did, Emma ran out of the room. She ran out to avoid her mentally unstable roommate, but when she did, she immediately regretted that decision.

On both sides, coming out at the same time as her, were men. Muscular men, short men, huge men, fat men, tall men, you name it.

Emma gasped.

She was not the only one surprised though. The men were equally as surprised. Pleasantly surprised.

"Well, well, well. Who would have thought? The rumors were true. There is a chick in the coop. Hahaha!!" A fat man said. He had a tattoo of some unknown origin.

The men began to to laugh.

"I actually thought it was that mad man doing his fancy voice work again."

"To think I would doubt the lord. He does answer prayers. Hehehe!"