Bad News

"What a relief!" Williams exclaimed with excitement as he walked into his office. 

"So, this is how it feels to know you don't have any debt to worry about?" Williams jubilated and sank onto his seat. 

"I never noticed that my office was even this bright? Now, I can enjoy the scenery behind my office window and sip a drink while at it, with a very free mind. How peaceful and wonderful would that be?" Williams analyzed and smiled. That moment, Mason, his secretary entered his office and they exchanged pleasantries. 

"Sir, I observed you are in a very good mood this morning! Do you mind sharing the good news with me?" Mason inquired. 

"Oh, Mason! A new era has come for us in this company." Williams announced. 

"Really?" Mason was pleased to hear that. Everybody in the company had been worried for weeks, thinking about the tendency of the company to fold up because of bankruptcy. 

"Where will I start from if this ship should sink?" A staff had stated with panic during a meeting amongst staff, some days ago. 

"I guess we just have to go and look for other things to venture into, before the CEO comes back from his trip and start laying us off." Another staff maintained, hopelessly. 

"I don't have anything to fall back on. Will I go and start submitting my resume at this age? I am definitely going to die of depression!" Another had said with tears. 

"Even if we were to go and look for other means, we have to collect our withheld salaries. We have worked for three months without receiving a dime as the administration keeps complaining of lack of money. Why should we work and not get paid? That is an infringement on our rights!" Another staff lamented bitterly. 

"Let us be hopeful. It is not over yet. There is light at the end of the tunnel!" Mason had tried to be strong and encouraged his colleagues to hope for the best, even though he was also worried. 

"Has the light come to shine on us now?" Mason wondered after reliving the incident with the other staff, as he stood before his excited boss. 

"Yes, Mason! The company shall commence with the payment of its debts, officially, today. Scratch that, I have even started paying some debtors off since yesterday!" Williams informed him. 

"Oh, God! This is such a great news! Aha, I feel so happy right now that I can fly." Mason jubilated. 

"Yes. Our days of sadness in this company are over." Williams declared. 

"We have a lot to work on today," William changed into the boss mood and Mason was only glad to oblige him. "First, Go and prepare a list of the essentials that we lack in my office. Everything, down to the little things. I want to bring life back to my office." Williams instructed him. Mason was surprised as that wasn't what he was expecting his boss to even consider first. 

"Erm, sir... Don't you think we should work on paying off the staff's salaries first. The staff are yet to be paid for three months and everybody is worried." Mason reminded him. 

"Really, Mason? Did I tell you I forgot about the unpaid salaries? Won't we be sorting everything one after the other to maintain order? Did I say I won't pay you people?" Williams said, frowning his face. 

"That is not what I meant, sir." Mason stated. 

"So, what did you mean?" Williams deadpanned asked. 

"I just thought I should remind you about it because I believe it should be the first important thing to sort out. The staff are lamenting and it is totally understandable because they are working to earn money for their daily living. I was hoping you'd consider that first sir, because if they should get wind that we are spending money on your office and they've not received their salaries, they will definitely feel bad and probably revolt."

"More so, the welfare of the staff should come first over anything. That will ensure they work more harder for the success of the company." Mason explained to him, calmly. 

"Fantastic! Go on and lecture me further, Mason, since it seems to you that I don't know what I am doing!" Williams huffed in annoyance. 

"I didn't mean to upset you, sir. I was just... " Mason was saying in order to placating him but paused as he heard Williams' phone rang. 

"Just get out of my sight! I need to receive this call." Williams snapped at him and Mason trotted out of his office. 

"Hello, dear! You are with her now, right?" Williams asked as he accepted the call. It was from his wife, Lilian. 

"Yes. Our daughter has regained consciousness, Williams." Lilian announced the good news, happily. 

"My baby has opened her eyes but she can't speak yet." She added, sounding a bit low. 

"Oh, that is a relief. She is going to be able to talk soon. We should be glad and celebrate this huge improvement, first." Williams told his wife, in ab assuring manner. 

"Yes, yes. I am really happy that she is out of danger and can notice my presence, at least." She agreed, staring at the face of her daughter and smiled at her.

"Right!" He heaved a sigh of relief. 

"Are you coming over to see her?" She inquired. 

"Not now. I am busy right now. You know I have things to take care of, at the office. But I am going to be there as soon as I sort out everything. It just can't be now or anytime soon." He explained. 

"Alright. Whenever you decide to come, I'd be here." She said. 

"Won't you go home later? You also need to rest and take care of yourself." He asked her. 

"I am not leaving my baby's side, today. I want to stay with her and take good care of her myself." She maintained. 

"Oh, I see! We will talk later, please. I have a call ... " He informed his wife as his other phone rang. 

"Who could this be? Is it another good news?" Williams wondered as he accepted the call from the unknown caller. 

"Hello, Williams Taylor speaking! How may I help you?" He spoke up, all smiles. 

"I have a bad news for you." The caller informed him and Williams' countenance changed drastically.