Gang Fight

"Don't be ridiculous, Williams. She didn't do anything wrong." Lilian maintained firmly and Caroline nodded her head. 

"Really? This is how you want to continue? Have you both not learnt a lesson from the accident yet? Lilian, you spoilt this child to the extent that she began drinking anyhow and couldn't be called to order, got drunk and still drove, which caused that ugly accident and you want to continue treading that path?" Williams asked her. 

"Well, if you want to do so, I won't be a party to it. I know the troubles that accident caused for me and how disturbed I was, trying to cover up her mess, so listen to me attentively now, I won't intervene should you and your daughter cause another problem." Williams snapped at the duo and left the dinning room, angrily. 

"Why is that old man always being like that towards me? He is always irritated by everything I do. What is wrong with your husband, Mom?" Caroline asked her mother, with an arrogant air.