
"Ladies, I am here. Let's have it." Lioness announced as she walked up to the court, with Tayler behind her. 

"How is our gorgeous server doing today?" Lioness asked Emma like she used to do, every other day. 

"Very good, your majesty." Emma replied her. 

"Fantastic! Let's do the usual again, guys. But let us give it our all today. We have to keep improving everyday." Lioness told them. And the ladies started practicing. 

"Tayler, communicate! When you are sure you have eyes on the ball and can pick it, say it's your ball so the person behind you won't want to go for it at the same time." Lioness told her. 

"Okay, I got it." Tayler yelled. 

"My ball." Tayler rushed to the ball and while trying to not let it touch the ground, she bumped into Emma, that made the latter fell down.