Another Death

"Ask me to do anything, and consider it done already, your majesty. I know what I signed for when I said I would do anything for your forgiveness." Emma assured Lioness when the latter said there was a condition. 

"What is wrong with this woman? She seriously wants to consider forgiving her?" Tayler wondered aloud. 

"Of course she would. Because why not? It is not as if she killed someone. More so, the money was recovered when she hasn't spent a dime from it. Your plan failed!" Tigress mocked Tayler. 

"Whose side are you even on, you two faced bitch?" Tayler snapped at her but mumbled the last part of her statement. She knew how crazy Tigress could be. 

"You don't snap at me, bitch. I am not Lioness who toys with you, so don't think you can go scot-free should you disrespect me." Tigress silenced Tayler. 

"Tell me the condition, please!" Emma urged Lioness who was staring at her like the former would chicken out.